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GitOps on Steroids by Lars Hesel Christensen and Bikram Chatterjee | ElixirConf EU 2023
GitOps on Steroids by Lars Hesel Christensen and Bikram Chatterjee | ElixirConf EU 2023
✨This talk was recorded at ElixirConf EU 2023. If you're curious about our upcoming event, check https://elixirconf.eu ✨ In this talk we will see how the Elixir patterns such as State Machine, Templating and custom behaviors are used as building blocks for a GitOps based Self-Service platform. The Self-Service automatically validates Git pull requests with a fast-feedback-loop and interactively engages relevant corporate stakeholders in the review and approval process. Additionally, external approval workflows are orchestrated when required. Once approved the self-service provisions all required resources in real-time using state of the art infrastructure design principles.
GitOps on Steroids by Lars Hesel Christensen and Bikram Chatterjee | ElixirConf EU 2023