Emerging Risks
The world is not yet at war. But the relative peace that we enjoyed since the end of the last Cold War has gone. State-on-state aggression is back. My fear, though, is that we are in a Cold War far more complex and dangerous than the last. Then we had back channels, treaties and wise statecraft to prevent it turning hot. It contained a nuclear arms race to ensure no nuclear weapon, large or small, would ever be deployed. Those days are over. The back channels have gone, the treaties have lapsed, and the determination of dictators like Putin not to lose (believing the West will not respond) means a nuclear weapon will, in my view, be fired within the next decade. It may not come from an unexpected source – a country that has nearly acquired one, or a terrorist faction within a state – but the danger is very real.
According to a newly released survey from YouGov, 61 percent of Americans believe it is either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that World War III will kick off within the next decade.
When looking at the results by political party, the pollsters found one-third of Republicans think it’s very likely that there will be another world war in the next decade; while 20 percent of Independents and 16 percent of Democrats agree.
There’s a risk of cascading conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, along with the possibility of Iran’s full armed support. Even the potential use of chemical and biological weapons cannot be ruled out in light of reports that Hezbollah has already been transporting chemical weapons from Syria.