Emerging Risks
Birthgap - Childless World PART 1 (English Version)
**NOTE** May 2nd 2023. Over the past few days we have been alerted that Google has started inserting ads into our video, despite our team deliberately NOT enabling ads for our channel. We do not wish to have ads, and have not earned from any ads. All revenue is going to Google. YouTube Support explained that Google has the right to place ads should we choose to not monetize videos ourselves. They have asked us to contact Google Support which we are now doing. We are asking them to stop interrupting this important story with distracting ads.
AD FREE VERSION: As an alternative Part 1 can be watched on our Birthgap.org site for free without any risk of ads appearing here: https://www.birthgap.org/share/ZmFIdjV9sjbcajGN?utm_source=manual
** Featured at the Chelsea Film Festival, 2021 **
The era of ultra-low birthrates has begun. But why are people having so few children these days? And what are the consequences ? Come on a journey of discovery across 24 countries to find the reason and also the future consequences for young and old alike.
This is Part 1 of Birthgap - Childless World.
(c) Birthgap.org
The Iran Threat Geiger Counter: Current Threat is High Danger, and Moving Toward Extreme Danger | Institute for Science and International Security
The current score of 140 is in High Danger territory. Most of the points are the result of Iran’s hostile actions (25 points) and rhetoric (28 points) against the United States and its allies, combined with the fact that Iran’s nuclear breakout time remains at zero (30 points). The rest result from Iranian progress on developing sensitive nuclear capabilities (current score of 20 points), increasing its nuclear weaponization efforts beyond breakout (current score of 18 points), and inadequate transparency over its nuclear program (19 points). The scores have increased across four criteria since October 2022, moving the overall threat score closer to Extreme Danger.
Commercial Property DEBT BOMB Could Destroy Economy | Breaking Points
Krystal breaks down the looming debt crisis in US commercial property that could show disastrous futures for the economy.
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#news #politics #youtube
China pushes largest-ever expansion of nuclear arsenal
China is pushing ahead with the largest-ever expansion of its nuclear arsenal, modernising the atomic deterrent with an eye on any future conflicts with the United States, experts say."A major factor is likely an assessment that a larger nuclear force is necessary to dissuade the United States's involvement in a future potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait," Ankit Panda at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace told AFP.
"China may well believe that a larger nuclear force will moderate