Emerging Risks
North Korea says it fired cruise missiles that flew 2,000 km
North Korea says it fired four cruise missiles into the Sea of Japan that flew 2,000 kilometers the previous day, according to state-run media, after the United States and South Korea conducted tabletop exercises against Pyongyang's nuclear threat.
Why Did Russia Suspend the New START Treaty?
On February 21, Russia suspended its participation in the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START Treaty) of 2010, which had been prolonged in January 2021 until 2026 (Kremlin.ru, February 21; Sozd.duma.gov.ru, February 21). At the same time, Moscow claimed that it will continue to respect the terms of the treaty despite the suspension (Mid.ru, February 21). Yet, one main …
Analysis: How North Korea could use a Pacific 'firing range' to perfect its missiles
If North Korea follows through on its threat to turn the Pacific Ocean into a "firing range", it would allow the isolated and nuclear-armed state to make technical advances in addition to signalling its military resolve, analysts said.