COVID origins 'may have been tied' to China's bioweapons program: GOP report
Republican House Intelligence Committee members allege in a report that there are indications that COVID-19 could be tied to China’s biological weapons research program.
Will the Pentagon Ever Get Serious About the Size of China’s Nuclear Force?
In November 2022, the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Samuel Paparo, stated that China’s Jin-class submarines (Type 094) are “equipped with JL-3 intercontinental ballistic miss
When this documentary premiered, less than a year had passed since a devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami had crippled Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear c...
As Yankee great Yogi Berra explained, “its tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” For decades, the U.S. intelligence community has projected its best future assessment of
Saudi foreign minister: 'All bets off' if Iran gets nuclear weapon
Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said on Sunday that Iran's Gulf Arab neighbours would act to shore up their security if Tehran were to obtain nuclear weapons.
China Has More 'Nuclear Warheads' On Ballistic Missiles Than US; Key Determination By STRATCOM Gives Rise To Speculation
Pentagon’s recent report on China’s Military Power estimated that China’s stockpile of nuclear warheads has surpassed 400 in a surprisingly short period. Just days later, there is bickering in the US Congress that Beijing may have amassed more nuclear warheads than Washington.
China is a growing threat to national security, U.S. companies and American workers, U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo says
It's now clear to U.S. officials that China, once considered a possible ally, has become an threat to national security, U.S. companies and American workers.
As Russia once again threatens European peace, it fell upon the shoulders of an exiled Russian democrat to issue a dire warning about the fate of what used to be called 'the free world'.
‘Not Since World War II’: The Worrying Precedent Many Are Evoking For The Ukraine War
The fact that so many news outlets and officials have evoked the last world war in recent months to give the current conflict perspective is itself alarming.
"And the phrase, "not since World War II," or variations of it, have been used to an unprecedented degree by media outlets and officials over the past year to describe the unsettling precedent for this horrific war."
Iran's Only Options Are Nuclear Diplomacy Or War, Says Politician
After more than two months of relative silence in Iranian media about nuclear talks, pundits have started debates on the diplomatic impasse amid popular protests.
Demonstrations against Beijing’s zero-COVID policy have surged in the past week, with people voicing their frustration at not only the lockdown measures
China poses increasing threat in military space race, top U.S. general says
Rapid advancements in China’s military capabilities pose increasing risks to American supremacy in outer space, the head of the United States military’s space wing said on Monday.
Report: Iran developing missiles that could eliminate obstacles to delivering nuke
While previous intel assessments said Iran would need 2 years to assemble weapon, NYT finds growing gaps in West's knowledge of Tehran's progress, particularly at Fordo site
Iran says it has begun enriching uranium to 60% purity at Fordo underground site
Tehran also claims to build new centrifuges, says moves are retaliation for international resolution criticizing its lack of cooperation with UN nuclear agency