Emerging Risks
Iran vows to blow up Israel's Dimona first if war breaks out - Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East
After striking a mockup model of the Israeli nuclear facility with ballistic missiles in a recent war game, Iran said the site will be a prime target in any potential war with Israel.
Troisi: Is Cold War-era 'duck and cover' reality of the future?
While the consequences of the "bomb" part of a nuclear warhead are well-known - intense fireball, heat, infrastructure damage - generations born after the Cold War may not understand the devastating effects radiation has on human health for those not killed in the initial blast. According to the Mayo Clinic, radiation sickness is damage to your body caused by a large dose of radiation over a short period of time. (It's important to note that routine exposures to very small amounts of radiation, such as in an X-ray or CT scan, doesn't cause radiation sickness.) Some symptoms happen immediate...
Are America and the West headed toward collapse? New study finds startling
By Jon Dougherty Predictions of America's doom and gloom ahead are nothing new, as it's always easier for us to see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full. So it's not surprising that a new study has made a similar 'prediction.' But unlike many past analyses, a new look at an old study by historian…
CNN Exclusive: US intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China
US intelligence agencies have assessed that Saudi Arabia is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, CNN has learned, a development that could have significant ripple effects across the Middle East and complicate the Biden administration's efforts to restrain the nuclear ambitions of Iran, the Saudis' top regional rival.