Emerging Risks
Why Wuhan could be China’s Chernobyl
This is a first-class piece of investigative journalism. Those who backed Sharri Markson to undertake it deserve great credit. She merits high praise for the extraordinary work she has done in pulling together and publicly exposing for our close scrutiny what the Chinese Communist Party, cabals of self-interested and complicit American scientists and bureaucrats and politically correct journalists covered up: the actual origins of the COVID-19 virus.
Andrew Bolt: China is a country ‘run by gangsters’
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the world has just been given a “frightening reminder” China is a country “run by gangsters” following a prisoner swap the communist superpower conducted with Canada.
Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the boss of the telecommunications giant Huawei, was arrested three years ago in Canada because she was wanted by the United States for alleged fraud.
Mr Bolt said China arrested and imprisoned two Canadians in response and "falsely accused them of being spies".
“But last week Canada and the US finally gave in," Mr Bolt said.
"They came up with some legal funny business, an excuse to free Meng Wanzhou, without a trial, not with her present at any rate, and she returned to China to a hero's welcome, choreographed by the Chinese dictatorship.
“Then China having won, as a reward to Canada and the US released its Canadian hostages.”
Mr Bolt discussed the issue with Griffith University Asia Institute Industry Fellow Rowan Callick.
Losing Small Wars: Why US Military Culture Leads to Defeat | Small Wars Journal
Mission Command is a philosophy of decentralized decision making. Plans and orders are simply starting points, likely to soon become irrelevant amidst the fog and friction of war – what really matters is the intent of the higher commander which is linked to the overarching purpose of the operation. A subordinate is expected to be able to think on his feet, work out the best way to follow that intent, and adapt his actions to changing circumstances. As a method, mission command has ample precedence as a highly evolved philosophy of command and control that can produce disproportionate combat results. But while we understand the buzz words, we fail to understand the changes required in personnel management, education, and training in order to make it a cultural reality.
Nuclear Terrorism - A Plausible and Pestilent Threat
Two decades after the attacks of 9/11, preventing and countering terrorism continues to be one of the main challenges faced by policy makers. The threat of nuclear terrorism, however, is often dismissed as unlikely or not imminent. The mere circumstance that it seems unthinkable does not mean it should not be actively prevented. In fact, there are both examples of threats and feasible pathways to conduct nuclear terrorism. Therefore, countering it can no longer be met with ignorance or negligence.