Is Iran Trying to Bring Islamic End-of-Days in Syria?
Iran is establishing bases in Syria, but according to some sources, their preparations to engage Israel are motivated far more by Messianic aspirations than military or political ones.
As tensions between Iran and the U.S. rise and the first sparks of an actual conflict appear, ancient prophecies concerning pre-messiah politics seem suddenly relevant like never before.
Watch "PETER THE ROMAN - Will Rome be destroyed as predicted by St. Malachy
Will St. Malachy's 112th Pope be the end of the Catholic Church? There are many questions to answer. Why does this prophecy line up with Revelation 17 & 18? ...
The Revelation 12 sign in 3 Minutes!! l 9 23 2017 Prophecy of Biblical prop
The Revelation 12 Sign is an extremely rare and complex astronomical alignment which many believe matches the Biblical prophecy found in Revelation 12:1-2. L...
Mystic Rabbi Foretold North Korea’s Nuclear Role in End-of-Days 22 Years Ag
North Korea has only recently emerged as a major threat to the Western world, but a noted kabbalist predicted 22 years ago that the rogue nation would become the nuclear key to the final war of Gog and Magog.
Biblical prophecy predicts Rapture on September 23
September 23 is set to mark the beginning of the apocalypse, according to several conspiracy theorists and Christian doom-mongers who believe in the 'Revelation 12 Sign' prophecy.
Jewish Prophecy: Solar Eclipse Portends Destruction of North Korea
“The prophecy states that when a solar eclipse occurs exactly as it will next week, in the beginning of the month of Elul, kings of the East will suffer great loss."
Is God’s Judgment Coming on America? | Anne Graham Lotz - Angel Ministries
August 7, 2017 The sun will be turned to darkness…before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Joel 2:31 A few years ago I was teaching through the book of Joel when the ancient words of his prophecy came up off the page. I knew with hair-raising certainty that God’s severe …
New Star to Appear in Night Sky, Heralding Balaam’s Prophecy of Messiah
The new star, expected to appear in 2022 in a blaze of light called a nova, will be the brightest heavenly body visible in the nighttime sky for six months.
Apocalyptic prophecies drive both sides to Syrian battle for end of time |
Conflict in Syria kills hundreds of thousands of people and spreads unrest across the Middle East. Iranian forces battle anti-Shi'ite fighters in Damascus, and the region braces for an ultimate s...
Offers news, political commentary, blogs, live radio broadcasts, Middle East & Jewish World press coverage, videos & more. Also available in Hebrew and Russian.
2016.12.04 John Haller Prophecy Update: "Trump|Terror|Israel" - YouTube
John Haller, speaking today at the Community Church of Devore in Devore, California, covers a number of issues in bible prophecy: the terror attack at Ohio S...
I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to publish this tidbit of news I discovered in Friday morning's newspaper, but by now everyone must surely know.
John Kerry, via the Kyoto Treaty, is coming for your air conditioners. Hillary is coming for your religious liberties, and your guns. OPEC is in its "Death T...
Links tracking current events that show we are in the end times leading to the Tribulation period, including various weather-related and geological distasters, wars, famines, disease and pestilence.
LA Marzulli: Biblical Prophecy Happening NOW but D.C is Covering It Up!
Is it possible biblical prophecy is happing right now and you are not being told? Could the government be keeping you in the dark? L.A. Marzulli has some new...
The signs of the end point to the the significance of 2017. 2010 has passed. Is 2017 simply the beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel or also known as the seven year Tribulation?