Saudi King Dies, Iran Sees Death As “Prophetic” Sign Preceding “Islamic Mes
According to many Shia Islamic scholars, “Abdullah’s death will mark the beginning of a chain of great events that will shock the world.” In 2011, an Iranian-produced documentary …
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
By Walid Shoebat When it comes to Mystery Babylon, the common tendency amongst many Protestant theologians is to liken it to Rome. According to them, Rome is the city of seven hills. Others even equate it with Iraq, since this was home to the original Babylon. Years ago, many books were written about Saddam Hussein, …
Prophecy that predicted war between Islamic army and 'infidel horde' is fue
The ancient prophecy, which refers to the 'horde' flying 80 banners as they take on a Muslim army in the Syrian town of Dabiq, is said to be a fundamental part of Islamic State's ideology.
Apocalyptic Muslims have long believed that the appearance of the Mahdi would coincide with a civil war in the lands of sham [Syria], which will destroy the country. What we are seeing today is proof to Islamic believers that we are now in the End Times.
David Wilkerson Prophecy From 40 Years Ago Being Fulfilled Now - Michael &
In this episode Michael & Meranda discuss a 40-year-old prophecy from David Wilkerson that is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes and the places of re...
A Prophetic Count Of Jubilees till 2017 from Creation | Twelve Books - Rapt
This is a very good article concerning the Jubilees and the Second Coming. The church will experience their Jubilee in eternity after 2017. Nando Ken Roberts (14 Aug 2010) “Rabbi’s prop…
[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran - Breaking Israel News | Israel La
A disaster of epic biblical proportions will finally arrive in the Middle East, causing a nuclear holocaust and humanitarian crisis of unseen dimensions.
Apocalyptic prophecies drive both sides to Syrian battle for end of time |
Conflict in Syria kills hundreds of thousands of people and spreads unrest across the Middle East. Iranian forces battle anti-Shi'ite fighters in Damascus, and the region braces for an ultimate s...
New Star to Appear in Night Sky, Heralding Balaam’s Prophecy of Messiah
The new star, expected to appear in 2022 in a blaze of light called a nova, will be the brightest heavenly body visible in the nighttime sky for six months.
The Revelation 12 sign in 3 Minutes!! l 9 23 2017 Prophecy of Biblical prop
The Revelation 12 Sign is an extremely rare and complex astronomical alignment which many believe matches the Biblical prophecy found in Revelation 12:1-2. L...
Watch "PETER THE ROMAN - Will Rome be destroyed as predicted by St. Malachy
Will St. Malachy's 112th Pope be the end of the Catholic Church? There are many questions to answer. Why does this prophecy line up with Revelation 17 & 18? ...
As tensions between Iran and the U.S. rise and the first sparks of an actual conflict appear, ancient prophecies concerning pre-messiah politics seem suddenly relevant like never before.
Is Iran Trying to Bring Islamic End-of-Days in Syria?
Iran is establishing bases in Syria, but according to some sources, their preparations to engage Israel are motivated far more by Messianic aspirations than military or political ones.
A disaster of epic biblical proportions will finally arrive in the Middle East, causing a nuclear holocaust and humanitarian crisis of unseen dimensions.