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Rabbi: Trump Confronting Iran as 'Tikkun' of Esau
Rabbi: Trump Confronting Iran as 'Tikkun' of Esau
As tensions between Iran and the U.S. rise and the first sparks of an actual conflict appear, ancient prophecies concerning pre-messiah politics seem suddenly relevant like never before.
Rabbi: Trump Confronting Iran as 'Tikkun' of Esau
Is Iran Trying to Bring Islamic End-of-Days in Syria?
Is Iran Trying to Bring Islamic End-of-Days in Syria?
Iran is establishing bases in Syria, but according to some sources, their preparations to engage Israel are motivated far more by Messianic aspirations than military or political ones.
Is Iran Trying to Bring Islamic End-of-Days in Syria?
[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran
[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran
A disaster of epic biblical proportions will finally arrive in the Middle East, causing a nuclear holocaust and humanitarian crisis of unseen dimensions.
[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran
[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran
[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran
A disaster of epic biblical proportions will finally arrive in the Middle East, causing a nuclear holocaust and humanitarian crisis of unseen dimensions.
[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran
Prophecy Fulfilled: Sept. 4, 2015
Prophecy Fulfilled: Sept. 4, 2015
I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to publish this tidbit of news I discovered in Friday morning's newspaper, but by now everyone must surely know.
Prophecy Fulfilled: Sept. 4, 2015
Is This the End of the World? - September 23, 2017
Is This the End of the World? - September 23, 2017
Everyone is freaking out about earthquakes, hurricanes, eclipses, and rumors of war. So what's happening? And are the Bible prophecies true? Let's talk about...
Is This the End of the World? - September 23, 2017
The 2021 Gaza War 2021: Iran, Hezbollah and the ‘Axis of Resistance’
The 2021 Gaza War 2021: Iran, Hezbollah and the ‘Axis of Resistance’
For Iran, “Palestine” is only one part of a complex strategy aimed at Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon; each arena has its own blueprint, a toolbox of hostile insurgency actions and the guidance of Hezbollah, the Quds Force and well-trained militias.
The 2021 Gaza War 2021: Iran, Hezbollah and the ‘Axis of Resistance’
Understanding the Lion, Bear, Leopard, and Beast of Daniel 7
Understanding the Lion, Bear, Leopard, and Beast of Daniel 7
Today, nations are represented by animals. The United States, for example, is identified with the bald eagle and our political parties are represented by a donkey and elephant.
Understanding the Lion, Bear, Leopard, and Beast of Daniel 7
'Mystery Babylon' is Mecca not Vatican
'Mystery Babylon' is Mecca not Vatican
When it comes to Mystery Babylon, the common theory among many Protestant theologians is to equate it with Rome since according to them Rome is the city of seven hills. Others even equate it with actual Iraq itself since Iraq was where the original Babylon resided. Years ago, several books were even written on Saddam…
'Mystery Babylon' is Mecca not Vatican
Canadian imam: Islam will conquer Rome
Canadian imam: Islam will conquer Rome
Alberta preacher says that just as Muslims took over Constantinople, they will in the future seize 'the heart of the Christian state'
Canadian imam: Islam will conquer Rome
Islam Wants to Convert Rome
Islam Wants to Convert Rome
There are three "Romes". Will each of them fall before the Islamic hordes? The Pope has already capitulated.
Islam Wants to Convert Rome
Battle of Armageddon when Jesus returns - Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 19 - New King James Version
Battle of Armageddon when Jesus returns - Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 19 - New King James Version
Heaven Exults over Babylon - After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God! For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.” Again they said, “Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!” And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sat on the throne, saying, “Amen! Alleluia!” Then a voice came from the throne, saying, “Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!”
Battle of Armageddon when Jesus returns - Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 19 - New King James Version