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The Unbearable Whiteness of Being
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being
The American Physical Society views the existence of White Privilege in physics as being both scientific and not scientific.
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being
The Reason There’s Been No Cure for Alzheimer’s
The Reason There’s Been No Cure for Alzheimer’s
“The most influential researchers have long believed so dogmatically in one theory of Alzheimer’s that they systematically thwarted alternative approaches. Several scientists described those who controlled the Alzheimer’s agenda as ‘a cabal.’
The Reason There’s Been No Cure for Alzheimer’s
One of Last Century’s Most Influential Social Science Studies Is Pretty Bad
One of Last Century’s Most Influential Social Science Studies Is Pretty Bad
We love putting names to things, especially if those names are scientific. Just look at the variety of phenomena people love to refer to as the Dunning-Kruger effect: the idea that other people (not me!) overestimate what they know, the sighting of someone being aggressively wrong, or simply the belief that dumb people don’t know they are dumb. The fact that science has studied a phenomenon and plastered a name over it feels good. But sometimes, when we dig into the origin of these scientific stories, we discover they have been heavily distorted in the telling.
One of Last Century’s Most Influential Social Science Studies Is Pretty Bad
The Crisis in Cosmology: We Don't Know How Big the Universe Is
The Crisis in Cosmology: We Don't Know How Big the Universe Is
Scientists are unsure about the age of the universe. Two methods of measuring the universe's expansion have yielded different results, leaving scientists in ...
The Crisis in Cosmology: We Don't Know How Big the Universe Is
The USGS Is Holding Back Earthquake Prediction
The USGS Is Holding Back Earthquake Prediction
This weekend, the U.S. Navy announced that it is temporarily closing four submarine repair drydocks in Washington due to earthquake risk. This closure stemmed from a recent seismic assessment for Puge
The USGS Is Holding Back Earthquake Prediction
Nature on “decolonizing” mathematics
Nature on “decolonizing” mathematics
The latest issue of Nature, one of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals, has a long (4-page) feature about the “decolonization” of mathematics. As we’ve learned …
Nature on “decolonizing” mathematics
How Scientific is ‘Peer-Reviewed’ Science?
How Scientific is ‘Peer-Reviewed’ Science?
'Peer review' of scientific articles before publication is often considered the 'gold standard' of reliability, but its luster has become tarnished by greed -- the desire of the research community to tap into research funds, the pressure on scientists to publish or perish, and publishers of scientific journals seeking to maximize profits.
How Scientific is ‘Peer-Reviewed’ Science?
Berkeley to change biology courses into social-justice courses
Berkeley to change biology courses into social-justice courses
Well, here we go again. Unsurprisingly, the University of California at Berkeley has revamped its biology curriculum, turning courses in three departments into propaganda mills as well as vehicles …
Berkeley to change biology courses into social-justice courses
The rise and fall of peer review
The rise and fall of peer review
Why the greatest scientific experiment in history failed, and why that's a great thing
The rise and fall of peer review
Who Is Responsible For Research Fraud Anyway?
Who Is Responsible For Research Fraud Anyway?
The President of Stanford (Marc Tessier-Lavigne) has recently come under investigation for a series of neuroscience papers that apparently had fake imagery in them. It remains to be seen how it will all play out. What’s intriguing is that Tessier-Lavigne has been
Who Is Responsible For Research Fraud Anyway?
Stanford president’s research under investigation
Stanford president’s research under investigation
Marc Tessier-Lavigne faces years of allegations of scientific misconduct in his research, including papers he co-authored containing images which researchers say appear “definitely photoshopped.
Stanford president’s research under investigation
The Alarming Rise of Predatory Conferences - Eos
The Alarming Rise of Predatory Conferences - Eos
For-profit conferences that masquerade as legitimate academic events but lack trusted selection and peer review processes are becoming more common. Here’s why that matters.
The Alarming Rise of Predatory Conferences - Eos
Another STEM field, particle physics, gets woke
Another STEM field, particle physics, gets woke
A long time ago, I predicted that among all academic disciplines, science would be the least likely to become woke. I was wrong. These disciplines, I thought, are wedded to facts and to open discus…
Another STEM field, particle physics, gets woke
The Fall of ‘Nature’
The Fall of ‘Nature’
A once-respected journal has announced that it will be subordinating science to ideology.
The Fall of ‘Nature’
The Corruption of Medicine | City Journal
The Corruption of Medicine | City Journal
Guardians of the profession discard merit in order to alter the demographics of their field.
The Corruption of Medicine | City Journal