cOborski/min: Personal fork of the Min Browser, see: for main repo

Orange-OpenSource/hurl: Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
goastian/midori-desktop: Official repository code Midori Browser
mollersuite/tangent: [wip] Go on tangents. A _user_ agent, built for you, not venture capital.
seanpm2001/Bliss_Browser_OSMode: 🌳️🌐️💻️ The OS mode for Bliss Browser lets you turn your computer into a netbook for as much time as you choose. A privacy-focused alternative to ChromeOS/ChromiumOS
meltyness/cef-tex: Cef-tex is a C++-based module for Godot game engine that facilitates instantiating a web browser, receives audio from the web browser, and renders it to a texture for usage in any Godot-based applications.
pH-7/pHNavigo: :shipit: pHNavigo is a Web/Internet Browser Software using C++ and QT library Open source application and compatible on Linux and Windows. Package for Debian ready. Feel free to compile the Web browser on your machine and use/try it!
ZunoZap/zunozap: The open-source ZunoZap web browser
imiric/surf: Fork of the suckless web browser, with Vim-like modal key bindings, search engine support and Pinboard bookmarking.
Quick start - Holepunch Docs
dBrowser/dbrowser: dBrowser is a web browser for Web3, integrated with IPFS, SSB, Hypercore, Unstoppable Domains and more.
surf | software that sucks less
Log - surf - surf browser, a WebKit based browser
umutcamliyurt/I2P-Browser: A web browser for accessing I2P network anonymously and securely
RauliL/selain: Modal web browser experiment
seanpm2001/Bliss_Browser: 🌳️🌐️💾️ The Bliss Browser is a powerful, hyper-customizable web browser that is designed for the Quantum Meadows operating system. It is also planned to work with other Linux distributions, and other operating systems.
Quantum Meadows operating system
ThomasThelen/BrowserLib: A library which makes modification of browsers' behavior easy.
Kaqtus14/osmium: Web browser written from scratch in C++
umutsevdi/brauzer: A web browser for Linux from scratch in C for a variety of alternative web protocols
blmayer/Maze: A simple web browser and server for the encrypted web.
ferhatgec/prism: Simple and unique /s WebKit2 based web browser for everyone.
koalagang/awesome-browserless: 😎 🌍 A curated list of awesome alternatives to apps tradtionally used in the web browser.
hpi-swa-teaching/Scamper: A Smalltalk Web Browser for Squeak/Smalltalk
cookiengineer/research: :rocket: Natural language interface prototype to browse the Web. This project and its learnings have evolved into the Tholian Stealth browser.
rognoni/monastic-browser: 😇 Monastic Markdown-first web browser
jishanshaikh4/jaam: Web Browser Security Framework
onsitejs/Awesome-Private-Browsing: A curated list of awesome private web browsing tools, projects, software, ideas, and resources
TarekJor/bookmark-archiver: 🗄 Save an archived copy of websites from Pocket/Pinboard/Bookmarks/RSS. Outputs HTML, PDFs, and more...