Magnus Hirschfeld

George Takei fact checks J.K. Rowling
Search results | JSTOR
"We Too Deserve a Place in the Sun": The Politics of Transvestite Identity in Weimar Germany on JSTOR
Historians are learning more about how the Nazis targeted trans people
A pioneering gender-affirming health institute opened in 1919 in Berlin
Ein Beitrag zum Problem des Transvestitismus
The Asian Canadian gay activist whose theories on sexuality were decades ahead of their time
The Gay Asian Activist Whose Theories on Sexuality Were Decades Ahead of Their Time
The first Institute for Sexual Science (1919-1933)
Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Search Results
Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Photo of the Eldorado Club
Trans Liminality and the Nazi State | Past & Present | Oxford Academic
German parliament officially commemorates LGBTQ victims of Nazi regime for first time | CNN
S0008938923000468jxx 595..601 - transgender-life-and-persecution-under-the-nazi-state-gutachten-on-the-vollbrecht-case.pdf
Transgender Life and Persecution under the Nazi State: Gutachten on the Vollbrecht Case | Central European History | Cambridge Core
Gay Life Flourished in Berlin Before Nazis Snuffed It Out
Germany’s transgender community confronts surge in far-right disinformation
LGBTQ Holocaust Victims Remembered for First Time by German Parliament
Ex-Fans Bombard JK Rowling for Lying About the Holocaust - Inside the Magic
JK Rowling under fire for ‘transphobic’ remarks, claims Nazis never burnt books on trans health
"You're engaging in Holocaust denial": Critics slam J.K. Rowling's latest anti-trans stance
New Research Reveals How the Nazis Targeted Transgender People
J.K. Rowling Faces Criticism for Holocaust Denial in Recent Anti-Trans Controversy
Yes, J.K. Rowling, the Nazis persecuted trans people, burned books
Alejandra Caraballo (@esqueer_) on Threads