Synthesis Matrix for literature review – Jenn's Studious Life

How to Outline a Scene In 10 Minutes | writing tips - YouTube
Ohio State - mcenerney-problem-of-the-problem.pdf
Creating A Scene By Scene Outline Of Your Novel - YouTube
Academic writes 270 Wikipedia pages in a year to get female scientists noticed | Education | The Guardian
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows - The Writing Cooperative
Five Plot Devices That Hurt Your Writing | LitReactor
A Writer of History | by M.K Tod
Writing Worksheets | creative writing blog
WOW! Women On Writing Blog
How to Write a Scene Outline You Can Use (How to Outline for NaNoWriMo, Pt. 9) - Helping Writers Become Authors
Women on Writing - An eZine promoting the communication between women writers, authors, editors, agents, publishers, and readers
Writing About History
Writing Articles - Writer's Digest
Scene Outline: How to Write Faster by Developing a List of Scenes
The Science of Writing a Lot - Devon Price - Medium
Greg Mankiw's Blog: How to Write Well
Intro: Running, Skating, Writing - YouTube
Here's How To Write A Damn Good Fight Scene
Writing for Visual Thinkers: A Guide for Artists and Designers - WritingVisual.pdf
Writing for history
Chaotic Shiny - Writing and RPG-Related Generators
Writing Well Handbook by Julian Shapiro
Blog – Kate Cavanaugh