Replace Your To-Do List With Interstitial Journaling To Increase ProductivityA new journaling tactic that immediately kills procrastination and boosts creative insights. 间歇日记,间隙日记,intermittent note,daily noteproductive#obsidian#notes··May 5, 2022Replace Your To-Do List With Interstitial Journaling To Increase Productivity
Obsidian and DEVONThink companions - Software - MPU Talktool#devonthink#notes#obsidian··May 3, 2022Obsidian and DEVONThink companions - Software - MPU Talk
r/ObsidianMD - Ryan Holiday & Robert Greene's Notecard System -- now with Cards from the Minimal Theme!66 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddittool#obsidian··Feb 14, 2022r/ObsidianMD - Ryan Holiday & Robert Greene's Notecard System -- now with Cards from the Minimal Theme!