

Themed days, Timeboxing and why you should use them.
Themed days, Timeboxing and why you should use them.
Have you ever wondered how Elon Musk is running two billion-dollar companies at once? Musk is an interesting example of someone who manages his time so well that he can work 100 hours a week and still manage to take time out for his hobbies, family, and even Twitter! So, how does he do it?
Themed days, Timeboxing and why you should use them.
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves | by Zander Nethercutt | Medium
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves | by Zander Nethercutt | Medium
- People don’t buy products because of what those products do, they buy products because of what they can do, or what they imagine they can do with them. - 99% of people don’t care about features; what they do care about is what they will become. - As a result of social media and the Internet, our generation is more conscious of how we are perceived by friends, family, colleges, jobs, and even people we’ve never met. - In this society of ultra-conscious consumers, successful brands will be those that make consumers feel the way they want to feel about themselves.
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves | by Zander Nethercutt | Medium
How I Use Twitter - The Bootstrapped Founder
How I Use Twitter - The Bootstrapped Founder
Engagement, Content, and Sharing: Here is how I leverage Twitter to build an audience and meaningfully connect with my followers.
How I Use Twitter - The Bootstrapped Founder
Practice Avoids Perfect — CJ Chilvers
Practice Avoids Perfect — CJ Chilvers
I love this from Tim Stoddart : “Hate to break it to you, but the people who read my morning blog read my worst work. Which is actually the point. This is my warm up. This is my set of jumping jacks before I do burpees. This is my slow jog around the track before I do sprints. Creative work is
Practice Avoids Perfect — CJ Chilvers
No one cares about you | Seth's Blog
No one cares about you | Seth's Blog
Some brand new juicy videos from American Express. Special incredible bonus: Tom Peters, too. ["No one cares about you" refers to a riff in the video. Radio, TV and magazines care a…
No one cares about you | Seth's Blog
NFTs and a Thousand True Fans - Andreessen Horowitz
NFTs and a Thousand True Fans - Andreessen Horowitz
Non-fungible tokens offer fundamentally better economics for creators by removing rent-seeking, enabling granular pricing, and reducing customer acquisition costs.
NFTs and a Thousand True Fans - Andreessen Horowitz
Write CLEAR Sentences - David Perell
Write CLEAR Sentences - David Perell
In my last round of edits, right before I publish an article, I have one focus: writing CLEAR sentences. The acronym CLEAR stands for: Create a rhythm Link your sentences Eliminate anything that adds confusion Add colorful details Remove unnecessary details I’ll describe each in turn. Create a Rhythm: Great writing has rhythm. It’s like
Write CLEAR Sentences - David Perell
Diversify your Vernacular - David Perell
Diversify your Vernacular - David Perell
Writing like you talk is good advice because it forces you to write clearly. But follow the advice too closely and your sentences will suffer.
Diversify your Vernacular - David Perell
The Islands and Bridges Strategy - David Perell
The Islands and Bridges Strategy - David Perell
There are two kinds of articles: Clear Thesis articles where you know exactly what you’re going to say before you start writing, and Foggy Intuition ones where writing helps you discover what you think. Foggy Intuition articles are harder because you have to start writing before you have the answers. Since you don’t know how
The Islands and Bridges Strategy - David Perell
Bitcoin vs Ethereum - The Held Report
Bitcoin vs Ethereum - The Held Report
I often get asked "Why Bitcoin vs Ethereum." This article sets out to define my thoughts on the difference between the two, and why I think Bitcoin represents a distinctly different risk/reward profile than Ethereum.
Bitcoin vs Ethereum - The Held Report
The But & Therefore Rule - David Perell
The But & Therefore Rule - David Perell
Matt Stone and Trey Parker want each episode of South Park to have a sense of cause and effect, tension and rising action. To do that, they’ve studied the science of effective storytelling.
The But & Therefore Rule - David Perell