Found 2041 bookmarks
⚔️ optimize for survival - @visakanv's blog
⚔️ optimize for survival - @visakanv's blog
The big lesson of survivor bias is that you should optimize for being a survivor. You can’t win if you lose – so learn to not lose. Most major failure conditions are avoidable with a little bit of foresight, planning, study and so on. Analyze failures and take conscientious steps…
⚔️ optimize for survival - @visakanv's blog
solve for distribution
solve for distribution
The following are a set of notes from my tweets. I may eventually flesh this out into some sort of coherent blogpost.  Some preamble: “solve for distribution” is a phrase I came up…
solve for distribution
💬 practice good reply game - @visakanv's blog
💬 practice good reply game - @visakanv's blog
There is an art to replying and commenting, and probably like 60-70% of people I’ve seen on the internet fail at it. The important thing is not to speak your mind, but to “support” the OP. You can support them by disagreeing well & you can “mis-support” them by agreeing…
💬 practice good reply game - @visakanv's blog
do 100 things - @visakanv's blog
do 100 things - @visakanv's blog
“Do 100 Thing” is a phrase I came up with when riffing around the idea of being prolific, making lots of stuff. It’s obviously not an original idea – Nietzsche suggested it, /r/thexeffect could be thought of as “do 49 thing”. I was also influenced by the parable of the…
do 100 things - @visakanv's blog
In the Night Kitchen
In the Night Kitchen
Maurice Sendak’s Banned, Burned Book.
I don’t write for children. I write. And somebody says, “That’s for children.”— Maurice Sendak, 2012
In the Night Kitchen
Interview with a 75-Year-Old Sober Person: Ray Cocks
Interview with a 75-Year-Old Sober Person: Ray Cocks
"I feel the person I was is someone I know intimately but isn’t me now. The monster lies dormant, though, and could be very easily awakened."
Interview with a 75-Year-Old Sober Person: Ray Cocks
Being patient with problems
Being patient with problems
Problems are typically richer than our preconceived notions about how to solve them.
Being patient with problems
Nothing To Be Done
Nothing To Be Done
6 Played-Out Ideas that Block New Visions for Society
Nothing To Be Done
Why do we stop playing?
Why do we stop playing?
I’ve been in Japan for the past two weeks relaxing, eating, walking and — yes — playing. I haven’t been worrying about work or the kids or my li…
Why do we stop playing?
The unreasonable benefits of taking action on what you believe
Fake It ’Til You Fake It
Fake It ’Til You Fake It
Since Google’s introduction of its Pixel 8 phones earlier this month, it has been interesting and a little amusing to me to read the reactions to its image manipulation tools. It feels like we have been asking the same questions every year — questions like what is a photograph, anyway?, and has technology gone too […]
Fake It ’Til You Fake It
Taming my information consumption
Taming my information consumption
Is it futile to tame the deluge of information? Well, I’m trying anyway by simplifying, streamlining and yes, deleting stuff.
Taming my information consumption
How Linear builds product. “Decisions are based on taste and opinions” ✨💯