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Bitcoin As Real Estate — Citadel21
Bitcoin As Real Estate — Citadel21
In this article, I equate the limited supply of Bitcoin, to the limited supply of land. Let’s look at the numbers to see how they compare.
Bitcoin As Real Estate — Citadel21
Anil on Twitter
Anil on Twitter
“You might be an exception but virtually all Bitcoin critics fall into one of these four categories:”-@gladstein Nominations now open👇 🤡— Anil (@anilsaidso) March 20, 2021
Anil on Twitter
sven^starfury_ on Twitter
sven^starfury_ on Twitter— sven^starfury_ (@StarfuryFlames) March 21, 2021
sven^starfury_ on Twitter
Bitcoin vs Ethereum - The Held Report
Bitcoin vs Ethereum - The Held Report
I often get asked "Why Bitcoin vs Ethereum." This article sets out to define my thoughts on the difference between the two, and why I think Bitcoin represents a distinctly different risk/reward profile than Ethereum.
Bitcoin vs Ethereum - The Held Report