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18 Ideas About How To Create A Hit From The Book "Hit Makers" - For The Interested
18 Ideas About How To Create A Hit From The Book "Hit Makers" - For The Interested
Hits are never guaranteed. However, there are a TON of things you can learn about how hits happen that will drastically improve your odds. The book Hit Makers: How to Succeed in an Age of Distraction by Derek Thompson is a must-read for anybody trying to get traction for their work and I highly recommend...
18 Ideas About How To Create A Hit From The Book "Hit Makers" - For The Interested
A process for finding your niche
A process for finding your niche
The art of discovering Creator-Market Fit, and laying the foundation for a business you’ll love.
A process for finding your niche
Design starts with story.
Design starts with story.
Every endeavor, every undertaking, every hope, every mystery, every product, every artwork, every romance, every skyscraper, every novel…
Design starts with story.
Memo: The Pompliano Skillset – 2PM
Memo: The Pompliano Skillset – 2PM
The power of third-party data has diminished. With more restrictions, data collected from external sources with no connection to the consumer is becoming harder to acquire. Newsletter audiences may…
Memo: The Pompliano Skillset – 2PM
5 Lessons From $118,205 in Digital Course Sales
5 Lessons From $118,205 in Digital Course Sales
When I encourage people to start monetizing their knowledge through a digital course, I'm typically met with one question: "What's your best advice?" So, here it is, in 5 simple lessons...
5 Lessons From $118,205 in Digital Course Sales
On Robert Heinlein’s Analog Autoresponder - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
On Robert Heinlein’s Analog Autoresponder - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
A reader recently pointed me toward a fascinating post on Kevin Kelly’s CT2 blog. It concerned the fan mail received by the famed science fiction author Robert Heinlein. Unable to keep up with the deluge of incoming correspondence, Heinlein devised a form letter (pictured above), which included responses to twenty-one common questions and requests. These canned […]
On Robert Heinlein’s Analog Autoresponder - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Don't End The Week With Nothing
Don't End The Week With Nothing
A bit of inspiration (and some hopefully actionable advice) for folks who are still working at day jobs.
Don't End The Week With Nothing
You’d Have a Lot More Followers If You Acted like You Only Needed Ten - For The Interested
You’d Have a Lot More Followers If You Acted like You Only Needed Ten - For The Interested
We all want a big audience — except for the people who have one. They want a bigger audience. That desire— whether we acknowledge it or not — colors what we create, how we create it, and how we promote it. It influences our decisions and combines with a mistaken belief that social media makes it “easy” to attract...
You’d Have a Lot More Followers If You Acted like You Only Needed Ten - For The Interested
Creator Demand Curve
Creator Demand Curve
As a creator, your fans have different willingness to pay. In this post, I’ll describe how you can use the creator demand curve to maximize your earnings.
Creator Demand Curve
ct2: Heinlein’s Fan Mail Solution
ct2: Heinlein’s Fan Mail Solution
I found this letter in a folder of old correspondence from my days when I was editing at the Whole Earth Catalog. It is from the science fiction master Robert Heinlein. Heinlein engineered his own nerdy solution to a problem
ct2: Heinlein’s Fan Mail Solution
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves | by Zander Nethercutt | Medium
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves | by Zander Nethercutt | Medium
- People don’t buy products because of what those products do, they buy products because of what they can do, or what they imagine they can do with them. - 99% of people don’t care about features; what they do care about is what they will become. - As a result of social media and the Internet, our generation is more conscious of how we are perceived by friends, family, colleges, jobs, and even people we’ve never met. - In this society of ultra-conscious consumers, successful brands will be those that make consumers feel the way they want to feel about themselves.
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves | by Zander Nethercutt | Medium
How I Use Twitter - The Bootstrapped Founder
How I Use Twitter - The Bootstrapped Founder
Engagement, Content, and Sharing: Here is how I leverage Twitter to build an audience and meaningfully connect with my followers.
How I Use Twitter - The Bootstrapped Founder
No one cares about you | Seth's Blog
No one cares about you | Seth's Blog
Some brand new juicy videos from American Express. Special incredible bonus: Tom Peters, too. ["No one cares about you" refers to a riff in the video. Radio, TV and magazines care a…
No one cares about you | Seth's Blog