Apps That I Use To Run My Businesses - Ian Grabill
A list of apps that I either pay for or use for free to help me run my businesses. The goal being to give other business owners ideas for tools or new products.
Before we dive in, a recommendation (not an ad). Solo Capitalist is a fantastic new newsletter by my friend Wes Kimbell. He profiles million-dollar creator businesses and distills the techniques and frameworks they use to grow them. Now on to today's framework. 💡 The ideaHow do you know even before the
The goal is resonance. Nothing is better than resonance. If you have a billion dollars, you are still seeking resonance. If you are well respected, you are still seeking resonance. If you are enlig…
Design your ebook like a pro with these 5 simple steps
Need a great ebook design? Get this guide on how to design an ebook like a pro. In 5 simple and free steps, you’ll produce an ebook that will engage your readers.
Bonjour bonjour [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]! Icebergs are fascinating things. During World War II, the British tried to manufacture some icebergs to help bui...
A Good Philosophy for Personal Publishing — CJ Chilvers
From Om Malik : “I have often lamented that the ‘why’ of blogging got overtaken by the ‘what’ and the ‘how,’ with the tools and format becoming the primary focus. Ironically I made the same mistake with my newsletter. I don’t work for a publication, so I don’t have a deadline. I no longer have a
The Internet Creator's Manifesto DRAFT 1.0 - Google 文档
AN INTERNET CREATOR’S MANIFESTO I have a duty to be useful and to be myself. I don’t know what’s useful or obvious to others, so I share things useful or obvious to me. I never know what will resonate. I show up daily and give myself permission to create. “The warrior and the artist...
If you’re looking to build online, you must be compelling. And if you dive deep into the most compelling creators online today, they operate differently than the average creator.
Sebastian Junger’s Focused Retreat - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
In 1991, Sebastian Junger suddenly found himself with time to think. He had wounded himself with a chainsaw at his day job as a climber for a tree pruning company in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and was laid up recovering. Morbidly inspired by the experience, Junger became interested in the idea of writing a book about dangerous […]
Jay-Z 'Decoded' exclusive excerpt: Dad taught me how to be an artist and hip hop changed the 'hood'
In this exclusive excerpt, the notoriously private megastar and businessman offers a rare and honest glimpse into his life, from growing up in Brooklyn to building an empire.