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Everything Must Be Paid for Twice
Everything Must Be Paid for Twice
One financial lesson they should teach in school is that most of the things we buy have to be paid for twice. There’s the first price, usually paid in dollars, just to gain possession of the desired thing, whatever it is: a book, a budgeting app, a unicycle, a bundle of kale. But then, in order to make use of
Everything Must Be Paid for Twice Pirate Flag Pirate Flag
The Mac team held another off-site retreat in Carmel in January 1983, just after the Lisa introduction (see Credit Where Due). Steve Jobs began the retreat with three "Sayings from Chairman Jobs", intended to inspire the team and set the tone for the meeting. The sayings were:         1. Real artists ship.         2. It's better to be a pirate than join the navy.         3. Mac in a book by 1986.
·· Pirate Flag
How to Do Things
How to Do Things
It's tools, not information, that gets things done.
How to Do Things
Death & Taxes 2012 (Q&A with Jess Bachman) - Poster Giveaway! #deathandtaxes — Cool Infographics
Death & Taxes 2012 (Q&A with Jess Bachman) - Poster Giveaway! #deathandtaxes — Cool Infographics
The new 2012 Death & Taxes poster has been released, and this year it’s better than ever.  Designed by Jess Bachman ( this poster visualizes the 2012 proposed U.S. Federal Budget.  The Death & Taxes poster is one of the best infographics I’ve ever seen, a
Death & Taxes 2012 (Q&A with Jess Bachman) - Poster Giveaway! #deathandtaxes — Cool Infographics
The End of Screens? - Cal Newport
The End of Screens? - Cal Newport
Believe it or not, one of the most important technology announcements of the past few months had nothing to do with artificial intelligence. While critics ... Read more
The End of Screens? - Cal Newport
YouTube Automation: Up to $14k a Month w/ Faceless Viral Videos
YouTube Automation: Up to $14k a Month w/ Faceless Viral Videos
This week’s guest learned how to tap into the massive viewership of YouTube and make viral, cash-flowing videos on autopilot. Tony Lysandrides runs several YouTube channels, and what’s unique about his videos is he’s not on them. They’re faceless videos intentionally engineered for virality.
YouTube Automation: Up to $14k a Month w/ Faceless Viral Videos
Creator Flywheels – The Operating System for Your Business
Creator Flywheels – The Operating System for Your Business
What is a flywheel?My first real life encounter with a flywheel was on a water well in South Africa.I was working at an orphanage where one of our projects was to
Creator Flywheels – The Operating System for Your Business
The Unbundling Fallacy
The Unbundling Fallacy
When capital flows like water, many ideas seem like great standalone businesses. A 13-year bull run led to predictions of the unbundling of Craigslist, Facebook, Ebay, LinkedIn, Reddit, and many others that largely has not played out. This post explains why, and how to predict which ones will succeed.
The Unbundling Fallacy
The Imperfectionist: Just go to the shed
The Imperfectionist: Just go to the shed
​ ​ ​ Just go to the shed It's always a little disorienting to realise how much of life is dictated by psychological avoidance – by the effort to avoid having to think about, or...
The Imperfectionist: Just go to the shed
Good things don't scale
Good things don't scale
Table of Contents Flyover Country Welcome to Iceland. Here’s some Júníus Meyvant Iceland is for humans From lice to nice Small is weird. Small is good. Big is hard - for countries, and the internet, too Where to now? This is where I leave you Further Reading on Iceland Flyover Country When I was younger and my family finally made it to the American middle class, we went on vacations to Europe.
Good things don't scale
Is This It? This is It.
Is This It? This is It.
On getting older and accepting who I am.
Is This It? This is It.
Yet | Readwise
Yet | Readwise
Read and highlight anything
Yet | Readwise
Positive & Negative
Positive & Negative
Inverting the old model
Positive & Negative
Some Things I Think
Some Things I Think
The fastest way to get rich is to go slow.
Some Things I Think