Haruki Murakami and the Scarcity of Serious Thought - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
I recently returned to Haruki Murakami’s 2007 pseudo-memoir, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. I first encountered this book back in 2009. It inspired me at the time to write an essay titled “On the Value of Hard Focus,” which laid the foundation on which I went on to build my theory of […]
I contain multitudes: one should have multiple modes — Cloud Streaks
By Duncan Anderson. To see all blogs click here . Reading time: 7 mins One Sentence Summary : it’s not optimal to be one way all the time, try to figure out what mode best suits each set of circumstances! “Make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit t
Listening is the Overlooked Tool of Leadership | Leadership Freak
Listening increases the value and impact of your words. “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.” Stephen R. Covey Not listening: Waiting-listening:…
The only way to fail is to fail to learn — Cloud Streaks
By Duncan Anderson. To see all blogs click here . Reading time: 4 mins One Sentence Summary : in the present good and bad things will happen, but bad things in the present can be good long term if you can learn from them. *Note: for the purpose of this blog I’m going to be talki
Avoiding bad decisions is just as important as making good ones. Knowing the warning signs and having a set of rules for your decision-making process limits the amount of luck you need to get good outcomes.
If you had asked me this question—How do you change a mind?—two years ago, I would have given you a different answer. As a former scientist, I would have cautioned you to rely on objective facts and statistics. Develop a strong case for your side, back it up with hard,
In Defense of Thinking - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
I recently came across a Hemingway quote that caught my attention: “My working habits are simple: long periods of thinking, short periods of writing.” It reminded me of a time I used to spend each spring as a young professor, back when my schedule allowed it, giving short talks at so-called “dissertation bootcamp” events. The […]
By Duncan Anderson. To see all blogs click here . Reading time: 16 mins You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Will try (aka take the shot) = have sufficient+ self esteem Outcome = 1. Will try * 2. How well you try If you don’t try then the outcome can never be good.&a
The Common Denominator of Success (Full Transcript)
The Common Denominator of Success is as valuable today as when it was first delivered by Albert E.N. Gray in 1940 at the annual convention for insurance underwriters.
A great “Life Hack” is to simply combine these two into one basic approach to living your life: “Go positive and go first, and be constant in doing it.”
If you’re after a way to supercharge your learning and become smarter, the Feynman Technique might just be the best way to learn absolutely anything. Devised by a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, it leverages the power of teaching for better learning.
The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn Anything
If you’re after a way to supercharge your learning and become smarter, the Feynman Technique might just be the best way to learn absolutely anything. Devised by a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, it leverages the power of teaching for better learning.
Improving at thinking = metacognition — Cloud Streaks
By Duncan Anderson. To see all blogs click here . Reading time: 10 mins Summary : We often make decisions/create outputs based on intuition and thoughtless thinking. IMO the best outputs are products of thinking about the thinking that went into creating that output. Then, levelling up that