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50 Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone
50 Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone
@overmind01: 50 Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone: - Thread - Don't Let Inflation And Taxes Take Away Your Dreams! Build An Online Business By Reading "The Art Of Twitter" Why Should You Get It:...…
50 Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone
no good alone
no good alone
isolation is easy, living is hard
no good alone
not disappointing myself
not disappointing myself
ME: Listen. Every time you’re given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself.
not disappointing myself
Being Alone — Ankit Shah
Being Alone — Ankit Shah
A reflection on loneliness, solitude, and the relationship we form with ourselves.
Being Alone — Ankit Shah
Prometheans and Pastoralists
Prometheans and Pastoralists
The article discusses the broader impact of software as a technological medium by examining the nature of technology adoption processes. The divide in the world of technology is between those who believe humans are capable of significant change, and those who believe they are not. Tension between these two philosophies leads to a technology diffusion process characterized by a colloquial phrase "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win". The article argues that once a major technology possibility is identified, it is invariably exploited in ways that maximally unleashes its potential.
Prometheans and Pastoralists
Subjective Effect Index - Effect Index
Subjective Effect Index - Effect Index
A resource dedicated to establishing the field of formalised subjective effect documentation.
Subjective Effect Index - Effect Index
Negative & Planning
Negative & Planning
A simple exercise
Negative & Planning
"How to Guarantee a Life of Misery"
"How to Guarantee a Life of Misery"
Read the full transcript of the speech "How to Guarantee a Life of Misery" by Charlie Munger.
"How to Guarantee a Life of Misery"
Get straight to the point - The Engineering Manager
Get straight to the point - The Engineering Manager
The kindest thing you can do is get straight to the point. Make it clear what you want, what's next, and what you recommend.
Get straight to the point - The Engineering Manager
Learning Numbers to Leave Numbers
Learning Numbers to Leave Numbers
The integration of technique and intuition is a delicate process… but vital in the pursuit of excellence
Learning Numbers to Leave Numbers
How to Create Luck
How to Create Luck
Your entire worldview changes when you realize you can *create luck*.
How to Create Luck
Looking good
Looking good
The other weekend I had the opportunity to run a 5k with my daughter (10) – her first such race – near Seattle Center in downtown Seattle. She first participated in a 1k kids dash witho…
Looking good
Broken Windows
Broken Windows
The concept of broken window theory was introduced by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling in their Atlantic magazine article Broken Windows. The authors argued that visible signs of neglect chang…
Broken Windows
Rest in motion
Rest in motion
Many people seem to think the 'good' state of being, the 'ground' state, is a relaxed state, a state with lots of rest and very little action. Because they think the ground state is the relaxed state, they act like maintaining any other state requires effort, requires suffering. This is
Rest in motion