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Escape From Freedom by Erich Fromm: Notes & Highlights - Nat Eliason
Escape From Freedom by Erich Fromm: Notes & Highlights - Nat Eliason
An excellent work of philosophy exploring our underlying anxiety caused by the ultimate freedom afforded to us by modern living, and our desire to escape that freedom for a more comfortable life.
Escape From Freedom by Erich Fromm: Notes & Highlights - Nat Eliason
Finding Asymmetries
Finding Asymmetries
In markets and life
Finding Asymmetries
Long Distance Thinking
Long Distance Thinking
The knowledge of a carpenter is in his hands. The apprentice must work with his own to discover it. Here is some terrible advice: “If you can't explain it to a 6-year-old, you don't understand it yourself.”
Long Distance Thinking
Top 10 ways to make better decisions
Top 10 ways to make better decisions
Our lives are full of decisions, and bad ones can lead to regret. New Scientist helps you make up your mind
Top 10 ways to make better decisions
Friday Finds Links - David Perell
Friday Finds Links - David Perell
David shares a compilation of the best links from his newsletter Friday Finds. Read here.
Friday Finds Links - David Perell
The Factorio Mindset
The Factorio Mindset
Plus! The Carbon Rally; The Bridge; Housing and Rates; Full Stack Media; Buying Out Contracts; Diff Jobs
The Factorio Mindset
The Imperfectionist: Wisdom for the end of the year
The Imperfectionist: Wisdom for the end of the year
​ ​ ​ Wisdom for the end of the year Instead of a regular edition, here's a holiday special, featuring seven of the most powerful snippets I've added recently to my digital equi...
The Imperfectionist: Wisdom for the end of the year
FOMO vs. JOMO: How to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
FOMO vs. JOMO: How to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
To fully embrace the joy of missing out and choose to do the things that make us happy, we need to better understand what’s driving our fear of missing out.
FOMO vs. JOMO: How to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
run your own race
run your own race
by Carrie Moyer A couple years ago I found myself drifting away from a close friend because I realized that he always made me feel weirdly… judged. Not in the sense that I did anything to upset him, but because it felt like he was always assessing everything around him to see if it conformed to his standard of good taste
run your own race
What did you expect?
What did you expect?
If you open a roadside motel, expect that tired and demanding budget travelers will arrive. If you run a fancy restaurant, don’t be surprised if people will angle and cajole and lie to get a …
What did you expect?
21 Lessons Learned in 2021
21 Lessons Learned in 2021
Listen now (10 min) | Abstraction & synthesis of the most transformative year of my life
21 Lessons Learned in 2021
The art of not having a take
The art of not having a take
The most liberating aspect for me of writing emails rather than tweets is the natural limit on topics I might be tempted to have a take on. When I was primarily writing tweets, I could easily involve myself in a dozen topics in a day. HERE'S A TAKE, THERE'S A TAKE, TAKE THAT! With email, it's a sliver of that. But it goes even deeper t...
The art of not having a take
The Paradoxes of Modern Life - David Perell
The Paradoxes of Modern Life - David Perell
The Paradox of Reading: The books you read will profoundly change you even though you’ll forget the vast majority of what you read. The Paradox of Writing: Great writing looks effortless. But because the ideas are so clear, casual readers don’t appreciate how much time it took to refine them. The Paradox of Creativity: Your
The Paradoxes of Modern Life - David Perell
The Distillation of Josh Waitzkin – What Got You There With Sean DeLaney
The Distillation of Josh Waitzkin – What Got You There With Sean DeLaney
Watch on YouTube   Something that has always fascinated me is the concept of a Polymath or Renaissance Man, or a person who has many talents and knowledge in multiple domains. One of the modern day polymaths I’ve learned the most from is Josh Waitzkin. When it comes to touching excellence in multiple domains Josh... Read More
The Distillation of Josh Waitzkin – What Got You There With Sean DeLaney
That’s why you fail
That’s why you fail
There’s a profound moment in Episode V of Star Wars in the midst of Luke Skywalker’s jedi training. After trying to get his ship out of the water with the force, Luke gives up (“I…
That’s why you fail
Paul Graham 101
Paul Graham 101
A summary of Paul Graham’s 200+ essays. This is an introduction to his ideas on startups, writing, society, decision-making and more.
Paul Graham 101
Clarity is Expensive — CJ Chilvers
Clarity is Expensive — CJ Chilvers
After many years of writing for big companies, a few universal truths have emerged from hundreds of projects, no matter the budget: Having a clear audience is critical for creation, promotion, and sales. Having a clear goal is existential for the project and ultimately the company. It’s rar
Clarity is Expensive — CJ Chilvers
The Laws of Simplicity
The Laws of Simplicity
Here are John Maeda’s ten laws of and three keys to simplicity. Ten laws Reduce The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction. Organize Organization makes a system of many appear fewer. Time Savings in time feel like simplicity.
The Laws of Simplicity
Paradoxes of Life
Paradoxes of Life
Listen now (10 min) | 20+ powerful paradoxes on growth, business, investing, and life
Paradoxes of Life
We're all addicts
We're all addicts
Why you shouldn't guilt yourself for eating that donut.
We're all addicts