
The 16 Greatest Lessons From 16 Years With Marcus Aurelius
I was 19 years old when I purchased my first copy of Meditations. Here are 16 Stoic lessons I learned from over 100 readings of the classic.
Meeting the Inconceivable – from ‘Bring Me the Rhinoceros’ – Pacific Zen Institute
Socrates on the Forgetfulness that Comes with Writing - New Learning Online
Em alfred adler trauma theory
Review of Private Truths, Public Lies by Timur Kuran
Who Is Zeno? An Introduction to the Founder of Stoicism
INTRODUCTION The great Galen, a prominent Greek physician in the Roman Empire, at one point suffered the loss of all his work and books. In a clear example of what we can call a virtuous Stoic response, he wrote that “the fact that, after the loss of the totality of my pharmaceutical remedies, the […]
Panpsychism is crazy, but it’s also most probably true | Aeon Ideas
On the inner life of molecules and electrons: or why panpsychism is highly likely to be true, even if it sounds crazy