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Dating Other Task Managers
Dating Other Task Managers
I've a confession… I've been seeing other todo lists. I don't have great reasons. It started because I wanted to have the option of freedom from Apple despite having invested a ridiculous amount of time and automation capital into the ecosystem. ...
Dating Other Task Managers
Whitman in the Knapsack: Mary Oliver and the Power of Walking in Nature - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Whitman in the Knapsack: Mary Oliver and the Power of Walking in Nature - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Among those who find pleasure in cataloging the habits and rituals of prodigious creatives, the poet Mary Oliver is a familiar companion. Her commitment to long walks outdoors, scribbling notes in a cloth-bound notebook, is both archetypical and approachable. This vision of Oliver finding inspiration in her close observations of nature, made as she wanders
Whitman in the Knapsack: Mary Oliver and the Power of Walking in Nature - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
⭐️ No more Insight Porn
⭐️ No more Insight Porn
If you’re not getting something actionable out of it, you’re probably wasting your time
⭐️ No more Insight Porn
The Imperfectionist: Nothing to prove
The Imperfectionist: Nothing to prove
​ ​ ​ 
Nothing to prove I think a bit too often, if I’m being honest, about the closing scene of episode two of Aaron Sorkin’s TV-show-about-a-TV-show, Studio 60 on t...
The Imperfectionist: Nothing to prove
How to plan?
How to plan?
How to plan? How hard could it be? 4k words scribbled down on a sunny October afternoon for people in tech observing the Season’s Traditional Annual Planning Process, inspired by a recent interview question (and 25 years of variously painful planning processes).
How to plan?
Charles Darwin’s note-making system
Charles Darwin’s note-making system
An exploration of how Darwin kept track of his various notes, enabling him to produce a huge body of work.
Charles Darwin’s note-making system
The Hybrid Work & Hybrid Meetings Guide - Focus Business Blog
The Hybrid Work & Hybrid Meetings Guide - Focus Business Blog
The complete & free 35-page Hybrid Work Guide (With Hybrid Meeting Guide). Covering how to: win, leadership principles, your tech stack & delivering in the hybrid workplace. Free PDF Download available
The Hybrid Work & Hybrid Meetings Guide - Focus Business Blog
The Imperfectionist: Systems vs. life
The Imperfectionist: Systems vs. life
​ ​ ​ ​ Do you value The Imperfectionist, and also like getting books for free? I've got three sets of signed copies of all three of my books to give away to three people who co...
The Imperfectionist: Systems vs. life
The Imperfectionist: No escape
The Imperfectionist: No escape
​ ​ ​ No escape One of my favourite books on writing is How To Write A Lot, by Paul Silvia, despite the fact that it's not really aimed at people like me (it's for academic soci...
The Imperfectionist: No escape
New Study Confirms the Value of Solitude - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
New Study Confirms the Value of Solitude - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
In my book Digital Minimalism, I emphasized the danger of a newly-emerged condition that I called "solitude deprivation." As I wrote, the introduction of the smartphone caused our relationship with distraction to mutate into something new: "At the slightest hint of boredom, you can now surreptitiously glance at any number of apps or mobile-adapted websites
New Study Confirms the Value of Solitude - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
The Complete Guide to Motivation - Scott H Young
The Complete Guide to Motivation - Scott H Young
Everything you need to know about the science of motivation. Unravel the mystery of what makes you driven to act (or slack).
The Complete Guide to Motivation - Scott H Young
Making my calendar work for me
Making my calendar work for me
When I first started managing, I expected that I’d magically have more time since I could delegate important problems to people on my team. But team support takes more time than I had anticipated, with recruiting, weekly 1:1s, debugging team issues, performance reviews — and that's before even talking about the product.
Making my calendar work for me
The Untold Story of Napoleon Hill, the Greatest Self-Help Scammer of All Time
The Untold Story of Napoleon Hill, the Greatest Self-Help Scammer of All Time
Napoleon Hill is the most famous conman you’ve probably never heard of. Born into poverty in rural Virginia at the end of the 19th century, Hill went on to write one of the most successful self-help books of the 20th century: Think and Grow Rich. In fact, he helped invent the genre. But it’s the untold story of Hill’s…
The Untold Story of Napoleon Hill, the Greatest Self-Help Scammer of All Time
The 85% Rule for Learning - Scott H Young
The 85% Rule for Learning - Scott H Young
How often should you succeed at a task, to maximize learning? I review research suggesting the answer is close to 85%.
The 85% Rule for Learning - Scott H Young
Simulating 80% Comprehension in Chinese - Sinosplice
Simulating 80% Comprehension in Chinese - Sinosplice
A while back I wrote about What 80% Comprehension Feels Like, and I quoted the English examples used in Marcos Benevides’ excellent presentation which simulate 80% comprehension in English by including made-up English-like vocabulary words. I’ve been thinking about that presentation a lot, both about the impact of such a demonstration, as well as about how it could be accomplished in Chinese. I ended up... Read More
Simulating 80% Comprehension in Chinese - Sinosplice
Why I'm unreachable and maybe you should be too
Why I'm unreachable and maybe you should be too
You may have noticed it's practically impossible to contact me. I did that on purpose so I can spend my time how I want to spend it. I don't really use email and I have my private message inboxes on every platform closed. And they have been like that for
Why I'm unreachable and maybe you should be too
Strength through resilience
Strength through resilience
Brittle systems are weak. Short-term wins feel like a demonstration of will by those that seek to be strong. But the only run is the long run. When we embrace flexible, renewable and diverse approa…
Strength through resilience
John McPhee’s Slow Productivity - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
John McPhee’s Slow Productivity - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Earlier this week, the writer John McPhee turned 91. One of the nice things about McPhee's birthday, in addition to it providing an occasion to celebrate his incomparable output, is that it usually leads to one of my favorite writerly quotes spreading around the internet. By any reasonable standard, McPhee is productive. He's published 29
John McPhee’s Slow Productivity - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
The 3-Hour Fields Medal: A Slow Productivity Case Study - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
The 3-Hour Fields Medal: A Slow Productivity Case Study - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Earlier today, June Huh, a 39-year-old Princeton professor, was awarded the 2022 Fields Medal, one of the highest possible honors in mathematics, for his breakthrough work on geometric combinatorics. As described in a recent profile of Huh, published in Quanta Magazine (and sent to me by several alert readers), Huh's path to academic mathematics was
The 3-Hour Fields Medal: A Slow Productivity Case Study - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
On Wendell Berry’s Move from NYU to a Riverside Cabin - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
On Wendell Berry’s Move from NYU to a Riverside Cabin - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
In my previous essay, I wrote about how novelist Jack Carr rented a rustic cabin to help focus his attention on completing his latest James Reece thriller. This talk of writing retreats got me thinking again about what's arguably my favorite example from this particular genre of aspirational day dreaming: Wendell Berry's "camp" on the
On Wendell Berry’s Move from NYU to a Riverside Cabin - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
I'm an addict
I'm an addict
Interesting perspective sharing on what I read as really being addicted to the feed, or the new. We love the little reward we get from discovering a new video, a new post, a new whatever. Tarun sounds like they are pretty deep, but any of us that randomly pull out our phone and “pull to refresh” a feed are experiencing a very similar thing.
I'm an addict