Cal Newport argues in his book Deep Work that this skill is increasingly rare and valuable. Those who master it will thrive. I've been trying to practice…
How I take Smart Notes — Nicholas Seitz Photographer
In my attempts to make "smart notes", I have a long trail of missteps and blunders. Here's my attempt to learn from them and document what I've learned along the way.
Obsidian is great at a lot of things, but quick-capturing text is not one of them. I prefer to quick-capture my text in Drafts and then send it to Obsidian using Drafts Actions.
Outline Notes: How To Use This Method For Better Note-Taking
The outline method is one of the most common, but still one of the best note-taking methods. It reduces editing and reviewing time of your notes. We explain how it works and discuss it’s pros & cons.
You’re never going to finish your to-do list – and that’s fine
We can’t just walk away from our inboxes, our jobs, and the housework, says Oliver Burkeman, author of Four Thousand Weeks: Time and How to Use It. But what if we could change our relationships to them?
The problem with Notion and Roam is aesthetics, and the design consequences. Notion looks polished, like a webpage. Roam’s thought graph looks like art. Apple Notes lacks features. Evernote h…
Hundreds of Ways to Get S#!+ Done—and We Still Don’t
You want to be productive. Software wants to help. But even with a glut of tools claiming to make us all into taskmasters, we almost never master our tasks.
The world doesn’t actually care if you do the things on your calendar. It’ll keep spinning either way. In fact, in many ways it would prefer that you just didn’t. For, every time …
Revisiting Parkinson’s Law - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
I first came across Parkinson’s Law in Tim Ferriss’s 2007 book, The 4 Hour Workweek. Ferriss summarized it as follows: “Parkinson’s Law dictates that a task will swell in (perceived) importance and complexity in relation to the time allotted for its completion. It is the magic of the imminent deadline. If I give you 24 […]
On the Link Between Great Thinking and Obsessive Walking
Moreover, you must walk like a camel, which is said to be the only beast which ruminates when walking. –Henry David Thoreau, “Walking,” 1861 * Charles Darwin was an introvert. Granted, he spent alm…
There are two kinds of programmers, generally speaking. There are programmers who care more about code, and there are programmers who care more about product. The former – I’ll call them “cod…
The 4 Reading Levels: Different Ways To Read Different Books | TCR
How you read should be dependent on what you read. In this article, Bruno explores the four reading levels and explains how different books should be read in different ways to do justice to them.
The Imperfectionist: Wonderfully insoluble problems
My book Four Thousand Weeks is published in the UK tomorrow, which means UK readers have until tonight to take advantage of the pre-order offer: my free five-part email co...
I love this time of year, because as new OSs and devices debut, people who never think about their processes look at what’s new and reconsider how they do…everything. This is where I live year-round. (I’m an overly-analytical person with ADHD, which means I’m extremely detailed about things I can’t
4 questions you should ask yourself to improve productivity
I recently asked my private creator community what topic they would love to learn more about. Their answer? Time management. More specifically, how do I organize my time to maximize my day with several different businesses? I use a system that has been talked about by time management gurus like
Fast Capture with Quick Note for iPad and Mac: The MacStories Overview
When I’m researching, speed is essential. Whether I’m planning a family trip or preparing to write a story like this one, the first step is research, which starts with collecting information. This stage is almost always a speed run for me, no matter the context. That’s because the goal is collecting. Reading, thinking, organizing, and
It's too painful to quickly get frequent notes into note taking and related platforms. has an open API and a great UI that can be leveraged to simplify note taking processes.