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Updated Taekman Zettelkasten Workflow using Devonthink, Drafts, and Obsidian-2023 Edition — Workflows in Personal and Professional Productivity
Updated Taekman Zettelkasten Workflow using Devonthink, Drafts, and Obsidian-2023 Edition — Workflows in Personal and Professional Productivity
It's been a while since I posted my original entry and my workflow on Zettelkasten. Since then, my methods have evolved into a system that's working incredibly well for me. So, I thought I'd write about what I'm doing so others may use (and improve) my methods. This entry is an update to Zettelkast
Updated Taekman Zettelkasten Workflow using Devonthink, Drafts, and Obsidian-2023 Edition — Workflows in Personal and Professional Productivity
How I podcast: Editing
How I podcast: Editing
Once you’ve recorded your podcast, it’s time to edit. Editing can be incredibly simple–trim the beginning and end point and be done with it–or as complicated as you want to …
How I podcast: Editing
The Bookmarking Data Model Is Wrong For Highlighting
The Bookmarking Data Model Is Wrong For Highlighting
The data model for bookmarking and highlighting services past and present can generally be distilled down to the following: * URL * Title * Scraped Content * User Highlight * User Annotation * ... Other Metadata The bookmark itself is tied to a URL, and anything else related to the bookmark, such as the title, the scraped content (if the service scrapes on your behalf), highlights and annotations are stored as additional metadata linked to that URL.
The Bookmarking Data Model Is Wrong For Highlighting
How I podcast: Recording
How I podcast: Recording
I do a lot of podcasting. And I am often asked about what tools I use and how I produce my podcasts. So in a series of articles on this site, I hope to detail my approach to making podcasts. What I…
How I podcast: Recording
Interesting Ways to Use Hazel on macOS – The Sweet Setup
Interesting Ways to Use Hazel on macOS – The Sweet Setup
There is no shortage of productivity software on the Mac, and we do our best job to cover as many of them as possible here. It's a rich and vibrant ecosystem unique to the Mac, and we're lucky to have it. But few apps elevate themselves to "all time great" status, to the point where they feel almost like they're a core part of macOS.
Interesting Ways to Use Hazel on macOS – The Sweet Setup
前言 隐私权是一项基本人权。 你不应该被互联网浏览;你不应该因为信息本地化而无法看到外面世界的样子;你不应该成为不安全的公共WiFi黑客窃取个人信息的受害者;你不应该遭到政府偷窥;你不应该受运营商与在线内容提供商PY交易后不中立的流量分配任...
Greg Morris - Trying to sum up my thoughts on Readwise Reader
Greg Morris - Trying to sum up my thoughts on Readwise Reader
I’ve tried several times to articulate my feelings on Readwise Reader, but failed every time. Sometimes frustratingly so because I think a lot of my problems relate to things I feel when using it. Don’t get me wrong it works great, and some features are really well done, it just doesn’t feel like it wants me to enjoy reading. So, I’m stuck trying to pin down thoughts on sometimes ephemeral feelings provoked by an app.
Greg Morris - Trying to sum up my thoughts on Readwise Reader
Dr. Roddick on Note-Taking and Obsidian
Dr. Roddick on Note-Taking and Obsidian
Dr. Roddick on Note-Taking and Obsidian Dr. Andy Roddick, Department of Anthropology, McMaster University Table of Contents Introduction From Anthropology 3FF3 Introductory Notes Smart Notes & the Zettelkasten On the value of "smart notes" On Reading Critically On Kinds of notes Title of your N...
Dr. Roddick on Note-Taking and Obsidian
Backblaze B2 + CloudFlare 搭建图床
Backblaze B2 + CloudFlare 搭建图床
Backblaze B2 在大厂的对象存储里算是非常便宜的了,如果不考虑国内访问速度,应该是非常不错的选择。
Backblaze B2 + CloudFlare 搭建图床
Building my dream studio
Building my dream studio
Part one of an inside look at my new studio
Building my dream studio
83+ Telegram Statistics 2022 — [All Time Stats]
83+ Telegram Statistics 2022 — [All Time Stats]
We have compiled the most updated telegram statistics as of 2022 in this post. Rollover to find the detailed facts and figures!
83+ Telegram Statistics 2022 — [All Time Stats]
How to Add Working Obsidian URLs in Notion
How to Add Working Obsidian URLs in Notion
Learn how to insert working Obsidian URLs in Notion in this quick and easy-to-follow tutorial!
How to Add Working Obsidian URLs in Notion
Mighty Networks Review: Features, Demo & Pricing
Mighty Networks Review: Features, Demo & Pricing
Check Out Our Mighty Networks Review And See How Visualize Value Uses Mighty Networks To Manage Community, Sell Online Courses, And Drive $1m+ Per Annum.
Mighty Networks Review: Features, Demo & Pricing
Using the M2 MacBook Air
Using the M2 MacBook Air
After much waffling, I ended up buying an M2 MacBook Air. I purchased this as a second Mac. My main machine is a 16″ MacBook Pro with all the bells and whistles. I love it, but it’s vast and expensive. I’ve wanted something thin and light to go along with it. In addition to my... Continue reading →
Using the M2 MacBook Air
Using Dendron with Github and Git
Using Dendron with Github and Git
Since a few months I’m an excited user of Dendron a note-taking and knowledge management tool based on VSCode and use it with git to synchronise between different machines and mobile devices. A recent conversation on Discord showed that it can be difficult for new joiners to get Dendron up and running with git so I thought to post a little tutorial how this can be achieved. I hope this is useful for some.
Using Dendron with Github and Git
You need to try Bionic Reading on the Amazon Kindle
You need to try Bionic Reading on the Amazon Kindle
The Kindle has a series of world class fonts that were developed by Amazon. They tend to provide the best reading experience with fonts such as Bookerly, Ember and Ember Bold. There is a new font in town that is making its way throughout the e-reader world, it is called Bionic Reading. Bionic Reading revises texts so that the most concise parts of words are highlighted. This guides the eye over the text and the brain remembers previously learned words more quickly. The eye is guided through the text by means of typographic highlights. With the interplay of “Fixation”, “Saccade” and
You need to try Bionic Reading on the Amazon Kindle
How a Single Raspberry PI made my Home Network Faster
How a Single Raspberry PI made my Home Network Faster
The Pi Hole project adds an entire new level of performance and security to our home network. Powered by Docker and a Raspberry PI I can now block all unwanted Ads and Metrics network wide.
How a Single Raspberry PI made my Home Network Faster
161 - Diana Chow
161 - Diana Chow
Diana Chow is a music producer and artist based in Los Angeles. Prior to her music career, she was a Software Engineer at Twitter.
161 - Diana Chow
Tool for Thought (Published 2005)
Tool for Thought (Published 2005)
Steven Johnson essay on new computer-based tools that can integrate research for writers within personal library of files; describes features and results of his personal experience; says new tools allow creative collaboration between writer's intelligence and software's search and retrieval capabilities; says advent of word processors changed way writers wrote and new software will change way they think; photo (M)
Tool for Thought (Published 2005)
The Rich And The Wealthy
The Rich And The Wealthy
Reggie Vanderbilt was born into a family of bitter feuds, fragile egos, and impossible expectations. Everything went downhill from there. When Reggie’s great-grandfather, Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt died in 1877, the New York Daily Tribune wrote an editorial predicting the legacy of the world’s richest man: The Vanderbilt case is an impressive lesson in the folly of attempting to “found a family” upon no better basis than the possession of money. The ruling idea of the Old Commodore’s latter years was to amass a huge fortune which should stand for generations as a monument to the name of Vanderbilt, and make the head of the house a permanent power in American society. There is no country in the world where fortunes are made so quickly … and none in which inherited money has done so little for its possessors. The Vanderbilt money is certainly bringing no happiness and no greatness to its present claimants, and we have little doubt that in the course of a few years, it will go the way of most American fortunes; a multitude of heirs will have the spending of it, and it will be absorbed in the vast circulating system of the country. The plans of the dead railway king will come to naught; and if he ever revisits the earth to look after what he had so much at heart in his last years, he will be satisfied that the art of founding a family was one of the things that he did not know. This harsh opinion underestimated what was to come. Cornelius Vanderbilt left his heirs the inflation-adjusted equivalent of something like $300 billion. Within 50 years it was gone. In between sat three generations whose primary purpose was to compete on who could build the largest house and marry the bluest blood. The first heirs had some entrepreneurial sense of running the family business; over time the “family business” became insecurity and resentment. In 1875 an op-ed said socialites “devote themselves to pleasure regardless of expense.” A Vanderbilt responded that actually they “devote themselves to expense regardless of pleasure.” It was a game that couldn’t be won, so everyone lost. Reggie was one of the last Vanderbilts to inherit significant wealth. On his 21st birthday he received $12.5 million, or about $350 million in today’s dollars. Family biographer Arther Vanderbilt writes: Self-indulgent, lazy, lackadaisical, Reggie had absolutely no sense of responsibility or purpose other than to keep himself from being bored … [he was] never employed and never did a lick of work. Somewhat at a loss when asked his occupation, he usually responded, ‘Gentleman.’ … The only way Reggie could distinguish himself was to live the life of a rich playboy. And this he did with dedication and consummate skill. Reggie’s two loves were brandy and gambling. The first left him dead at age 45, with cirrhosis so severe the blood flow from his liver was cut off and pushed up to his esophagus, where the veins abruptly ruptured and left him choking in a pool of blood. The latter left him broke – after repaying debts Reggie’s will was nearly irrelevant, as he had nowhere near the amount of money promised to his heirs. Reggie’s grandson – Anderson Cooper – was one of the first Vanderbilts who was never promised dynastic wealth. It may have been a blessing. Cooper once said of inheritance: “I think it’s an initiative sucker. I think it’s a curse. From the time I was growing up, if I felt like there was some pot of gold waiting for me, I don’t know if I would have been so motivated.” It’s like he was the first Vanderbilt to be set free. – Money is fungible in the sense that my dollar bill is indistinguishable from your dollar bill. But the value people get out of a dollar varies wildly, even among people with the same income and net worth. I’m always interested in the difference between getting rich and staying rich. They are completely different things, and many of those skilled at the former fail at the latter. Part of this topic is knowing the difference between rich and wealthy. These definitions are my own, but here’s the distinction: Rich means you have cash to buy stuff. Wealth means you have unspent savings and investments that provide some level of intangible and lasting pleasure – independence, autonomy, controlling your time, and doing what you want to do, when you want to do it, with whom you want to do it with, for as long as you want to do it for. What I find fascinating are stories like the Vanderbilts, who were the richest people on earth but, by my definition, some of the least wealthy. Money to them was less of an asset and more of a social liability, indebting them to a status-chasing life that left most of them seemingly miserable. George Vanderbilt spent six years building the 135,000-square-foot Biltmore house – with 40 master bedrooms and a full-time staff of nearly 400 – but allegedly spent little time there because it was “utterly unaddressed to any possible arrangement of life.” The house nevertheless cost so much to maintain it nearly ruined Vanderbilt. Ninety percent of the land was sold off to pay tax debts, and the house was turned into a tourist attraction. There are so many similar stories from the Vanderbilt family that you begin to ask, “What was the point?” The point, as the New York Daily Tribune realized early on, was not to live a great life. It was to be rich – to be valued “upon no better basis than the possession of money.” Rather than using money to build a life, their life was built around money; rather than an asset, their inheritance was an insurmountable lifestyle debt, passed to the next generation until there was mercifully nothing left. In his 1903 book The Quest for the Simple Life, William Dawson writes: The thing that is least perceived about wealth is that all pleasure in money ends at the point where economy becomes unnecessary. The man who can buy anything he covets, without any consultation with his banker, values nothing that he buys. Nassim Taleb echoes a similar point when he says, “The record shows that, for society, the richer we become, the harder it is to live within our means. Abundance is harder for us to handle than scarcity.” You become a victim of your own success. The Vanderbilts are an extreme example, but I think they were just a magnified version of what so many regular people deal with today. Average household incomes adjusted for inflation have more than doubled in the last 70 years, but it doesn’t feel that way because expectations have more than doubled. Part of the reason home affordability is lower today than in previous generations is because the average new home is a third larger than it used to be; millions of Americans haven’t saved enough to retire, but just a few generations ago the entire concept of retirement was a dream. I want to be rich, because I like nice stuff. But what I value far more is to be wealthy, because I think independence is one of the only ways money can make you happier. The trick is realizing that the only way to maintain independence is if your appetite for stuff – including status – can be satiated. The goalpost has to stop moving; the expectations have to remain in check. Otherwise money has a tendency to be a liability masquerading as an asset, controlling you more than you use it to live a better life.
The Rich And The Wealthy