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The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World's Greatest Salesman eBook : Gallo, Carmine: Kindle Store
The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World's Greatest Salesman eBook : Gallo, Carmine: Kindle Store
The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World's Greatest Salesman - Kindle edition by Gallo, Carmine. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World's Greatest Salesman.
The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World's Greatest Salesman eBook : Gallo, Carmine: Kindle Store
Write. Yes, right now. Here's why. - Josh Bernoff
Write. Yes, right now. Here's why. - Josh Bernoff
The world looks very different from how it did before the election. You may be wondering what you should do about that. I have one answer for you. You should write. You should create. Two reasons to write If you’re feeling depressed and anxious, then writing (or recording a podcast or a TikTok or whatever...
Write. Yes, right now. Here's why. - Josh Bernoff
Your Writing
Your Writing
Less than 1% of your writing will be life-changing. 3% will be trivial to write. 4% will strongly resonate with others in a way you didn't expect. 5% will be quite good. 15% probably should've never been published. 26% will elicit a reaction you did not expect. Positive or negative. 28% will bec
Your Writing
How to write "About the Author" - Josh Bernoff
How to write "About the Author" - Josh Bernoff
Writing your own bio ought to be easy — after all, what do you know better than your own accomplishments? Even so, this essential little book element is often problematic for authors. Here are a few tips to help you make your “About the Author” exactly right. Reflect It’s good to take a look at...
How to write "About the Author" - Josh Bernoff
Dean's List
Dean's List
A reading list of essays
Dean's List
Research Techniques
Research Techniques
“Write early in the morning, cultivate memory, reread core books, take detailed reading notes, work on several projects at once, maintain a thick archive, rotate crops, take a weekly Sabbath, go to…
Research Techniques
31 Ways to Improve Your Writing
31 Ways to Improve Your Writing

 Read in your browser here. 
 ​ ​ Hi friends! If you're looking to level-up your writing, the next Write of Passage cohort closes for enrollment...
31 Ways to Improve Your Writing
James Baldwin’s Advice on Writing – The Marginalian
James Baldwin’s Advice on Writing – The Marginalian
“Talent is insignificant. I know a lot of talented ruins. Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck, but most of all, endurance.”
James Baldwin’s Advice on Writing – The Marginalian
I'm a Blogger
I'm a Blogger
@manton recently mentioned that he was surprised about the lack of responses to a longer blog post of him. It made him doubt himself or the post. This is my whole blogging life! I’m always doubting myself. Every post I publish on my blog might drown in the deep, dark sea of the internet-void. I rarely get any “engagement” on my writings. I often think about just quitting it. What’s the purpose of writing, if seemingly nobody reads it?
I'm a Blogger
Why would you write a book in 2023?
Why would you write a book in 2023?
It doesn’t make much sense to write a book in 2023 — especially a nonfiction book. In fact, your readers would likely pay 10X as much to get the same information in a video-based course. But, for many reasons, some of us still prefer creating books over any other medium.
Why would you write a book in 2023?
Why Write?
Why Write?
Writing about something teaches you about what you know, what you don’t know, and how to think.
Why Write?
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
Neil Gaiman gave this keynote at the thirty-fifth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, held in Orlando, Florida, in 2013.
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
Your 3-Step Book
Your 3-Step Book
What if you could create a table of contents for everything you’ve posted online? How many chapters would you be proud of? I’ve done it. It’s not difficult. It’s not even as time consuming as you might think. The secret is constraints. Don’t worry about
Your 3-Step Book
TA #127: 🤖 What Does AI Mean for Writers? I Have Thoughts.
TA #127: 🤖 What Does AI Mean for Writers? I Have Thoughts.
Hey, you. You're doing great. Click here to read this on the web. Welcome to the 127h issue of Total Annarchy, a fortnightly newsletter by me, Ann…
TA #127: 🤖 What Does AI Mean for Writers? I Have Thoughts.
“I Hate to Write, but I Love Having Written”
“I Hate to Write, but I Love Having Written”
I was surprised and a little bit gutted to learn that the quote "I hate to write, but I love having written" cannot be a
“I Hate to Write, but I Love Having Written”