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Writing With Evie Wyld
Writing With Evie Wyld
Evie Wyld on her journey to becoming a published author and her top writing tips
Writing With Evie Wyld
Issue 35: Not harsh writing advice
Issue 35: Not harsh writing advice
Stepping away from social media, your desk, or your own noisy brain, can lead to unexpected connections and creative explorations.
Issue 35: Not harsh writing advice
The Four Forces of Bad Content - Animalz
The Four Forces of Bad Content - Animalz
Salesy. Insincere. Shallow. Most blog posts stink of "marketing," and these four mistakes are usually to blame.
The Four Forces of Bad Content - Animalz
Write more, but shorter
Write more, but shorter
After the "keep it simple" in programming, the "keep it short" for writing.
Write more, but shorter
Writing Wednesdays: Cover the Canvas
Writing Wednesdays: Cover the Canvas
Is the first draft the hardest? Is it different from a third draft, or a twelfth? Does a first draft possess unique challenges that we have to attack in a one-of-a-kind way? Yes, yes and yes. First drafts are killers A first draft is different from (and more difficult than) all subsequent drafts because in…
Writing Wednesdays: Cover the Canvas
Look at your fish - Austin Kleon
Look at your fish - Austin Kleon
"Insight comes, more often than not, from looking at what's been on the table all along, in front of everybody, rather than from discovering something new."
Look at your fish - Austin Kleon
Ray Bradbury’s Greatest Writing Advice
Ray Bradbury’s Greatest Writing Advice
Today would have been the 98th birthday of Ray Bradbury, the greatest sci-fi writer in history, who (by no small coincidence) also happened to know a thing or two about writing. Like many American …
Ray Bradbury’s Greatest Writing Advice
Principles of Effective Storytelling
Principles of Effective Storytelling
Listen now (8 min) | A superpower to unlock growth in your writing, career, and life
Principles of Effective Storytelling
How to Write Creative Fiction: Umberto Eco's Four Rules
How to Write Creative Fiction: Umberto Eco's Four Rules
Umberto Eco (1932–2016) was one of the bestselling authors of all time. In Confessions of a Young Novelist, he shares some unique advice for writing fiction.
How to Write Creative Fiction: Umberto Eco's Four Rules
The Feed
The Feed
The Feed