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10 years of professional blogging - what I've learned
10 years of professional blogging - what I've learned
1/ After 10+ years of publishing professional writing at https://t.co/ddc2F89IIV, I have a couple opinions on how to get your stuff read — Andrew Chen (@andrewchen) July 26, 2017 Building your personal bat signal I want to cross-pollinate a tweetstorm on lessons I’ve learned from a decade of professional writing. In a way, it’s a followup […]
10 years of professional blogging - what I've learned
The Jerry Seinfeld Guide to Writing - David Perell
The Jerry Seinfeld Guide to Writing - David Perell
Writing and editing should be separate activities. When I’m in this creation mode, I shoot for a flow state. I keep my fingertips on the keyboard and measure progress by how many words I put on the page. My physical environment helps me be generative too. If I’m sitting down at my computer, I’ll turn
The Jerry Seinfeld Guide to Writing - David Perell