MIT OpenCourseWare
Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or simply a curious person that wants to learn, MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) offers a wealth of insight, inspiration, videos, and a whole lot more! OCW is a free and open online publication of educational material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum, ranging from introductory to the most advanced graduate courses. On the OCW website, each course includes a syllabus, instructional material like notes and reading lists, and learning activities like assignments and solutions. Some courses also have videos, online textbooks, and faculty insights on teaching. Knowledge is your reward. There's no signup or enrollment, and no start or end dates. OCW is self-paced learning at its best. Get the full picture on the OCW website at Accessibility: User comments policy: (Channel banner photo by Nietnagel on Flickr:
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Our interactive practice problems, articles, and videos help students succeed in math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, and many other topics. Khan Academy provides teachers with data on how their students are doing so they can identify gaps in learning and provide tailored instruction. We also offer free personalized SAT and LSAT practice in partnership with the College Board and the Law School Admission Council. Our resources have been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy each month. Want to extend your learning beyond YouTube? Practice what you've just discovered for free:
campaigners toolkit – The Change Agency
This site contains a unique collection of more than 1,000 resources for activists and organisers including workshop resources, case studies and articles. These resources have been created, edited or collected over many years. There are three ways to find what you’re looking for: Simply type key words into the ‘search the site’ box to the... Read more