Magical FX in Houdini: A Pro VFX Course - Rebelway
Magical FX in Houdini: A Pro VFX Course - Rebelway
Create magic FX simulations in Houdini in this intermediate VFX course from Jayden Paterson. Develop Sci-fi projects, shockwaves, & magic spells in Houdini.
Magical FX in Houdini: A Pro VFX Course - Rebelway
Vehicle Concept Art
Vehicle Concept Art
Buckle your seatbelts, secure your belongings, and prepare for takeoff. Elevate your concept art workflows in this brand new course from Pablo Dominguez by learning to generate simple assets in 3D, arranging them to create dynamic compositions, and using them as a base to create beautiful, detailed concept art for your project or portfolio.
Vehicle Concept Art
Hard Surface Design
Hard Surface Design
Build hard surface props of any size! Leading concept artist Lars Sowig will guide you through his entire professional workflow, from blocking and modeling to texturing and rendering, all the way down to designing your own stickers and decals. Every movie, TV show and video game needs a prop designer. Why shouldn't that be you?
Hard Surface Design
Vehicle Concept Design in NomadSculpt
Vehicle Concept Design in NomadSculpt
-complete workflow from start to finish-hard surface modeling for concept design in Nomad sculpt (ipad) -Final Rendering in Infinite Painter-More than 5 hours of workflow
Vehicle Concept Design in NomadSculpt
The Blender Bros Hard Surface Game Asset Course 2.0
The Blender Bros Hard Surface Game Asset Course 2.0
Get INSTANT access to our brand new hard surface game asset course - with a powerful secret formula for guaranteed results:Our comprehensive Game Asset 2.0 course ($75 value)BONUS: SciFi Rifle mode...
The Blender Bros Hard Surface Game Asset Course 2.0
Sketching 3D Environments in Blender
Sketching 3D Environments in Blender
More info and samples here can be very technical and feel sterile. Let’s make the process more intuitive, creative and fun! Lear...
Sketching 3D Environments in Blender
Sci-fi Environment Design in Blender
Sci-fi Environment Design in Blender
More info and samples here to create a moody sci-fi interior/exterior scene. We explore different lighting scenarios, a variet...
Sci-fi Environment Design in Blender
Real-time Environment Design in Blender
Real-time Environment Design in Blender
In this tutorial...Hold on. This is not a tutorial.This is a crash course on Real-time environment design in Blender Eevee.4+ hours of content covering real-time environment creation from A to Z in...
Real-time Environment Design in Blender
NK606 RELEASED - Advanced CG Compositing in Nuke
NK606 RELEASED - Advanced CG Compositing in Nuke
Very happy to announce, NK606 is finally finished! 6th in the series from Compositing Academy, this course is a massive 40+ hour course on Advanced CG
NK606 RELEASED - Advanced CG Compositing in Nuke
Mech Drawing Demo: Security Drone
Mech Drawing Demo: Security Drone
Preview: is an edited class demo from last summer. Includes a 120+ minute demo with commentary as well as a 20+ minute techniques video, original high resolution .p...
Mech Drawing Demo: Security Drone
Tutorial: Mari - Node Based Texturing for Characters
Tutorial: Mari - Node Based Texturing for Characters
Welcome to my latest Tutorial: Mari - Node Based Texturing for CharactersThis in-depth tutorial will go over my node-based texturing workflow in Mari. This process has been iterated on for the last...
Tutorial: Mari - Node Based Texturing for Characters