Data Sharing

Data Sharing

DataSpace Europe
DataSpace Europe
DataSpace Europe tekee datasi arvon näkyväksi ja mahdollistaa uusien, tulevaisuutta rakentavien palvelujen synnyn.
DataSpace Europe
nexyo - software to empower data ecosystems
nexyo - software to empower data ecosystems
The easiest tool to connect and share dezentral data sources across trusted networks to empower data ecosystems.
nexyo - software to empower data ecosystems
sovity: Vertrauensvoller Datentransfer dank Data Spaces
sovity: Vertrauensvoller Datentransfer dank Data Spaces
Selbstbestimmter Datenaustausch ✅ Automatisierte Integration ► Jetzt die Vorteile von Datensouveränität dank der Data Spaces von sovity entdecken!
sovity: Vertrauensvoller Datentransfer dank Data Spaces
Trusted Twin - Trusted Twin
Trusted Twin - Trusted Twin
do you need data? Access Customer Data
from trusted sources in real-time Grow your business, tap into new markets, and compete with big tech effectively with individual or aggregated data. Let’s talk! do you have data? Monetize your
Customer Data, at scale Turn your data into a new revenue stream securely, 
in compliance with privacy laws. Let’s […]
Trusted Twin - Trusted Twin
Fabric – your self-organizing workspace and file explorer
Fabric – your self-organizing workspace and file explorer
One home for everything. A file explorer and workspace for the internet age. All your drives, clouds, notes, screenshots, links, and files automatically gathered into one self-organizing home. Never forget anything again.
Fabric – your self-organizing workspace and file explorer
The Data Marketplace Platform — Harbr
The Data Marketplace Platform — Harbr
Harbr is an award-winning platform for sharing, collaborating on, and distributing data. Deploy a ready-to-use data marketplace or data mesh today.
The Data Marketplace Platform — Harbr
UnionAll | Data Commerce as a Service
UnionAll | Data Commerce as a Service
Effortlessly launch your personalized data marketplace with UnionAll, complete with your own branding. Gain access to a wealth of features including advanced data discovery, AI-driven semantic search, customizable datafolio creation, and much more.
UnionAll | Data Commerce as a Service