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EO - Services
Climate Resilience AI Modelling | Eoliann
With satellite data and proprietary ML algorithms we help institutions and businesses predict likelihood and impact of extreme weather events
Geoimage offers high-resolution satellite imagery with different resolutions, archive and fresh capture options, tailored solutions, and geospatial services for various industries. Geoimage partner with satellite vendors, provide optical and radar imagery, and specialise in DEMs, SWIR, InSAR, data analytics, and monitoring.
APPTON HTML5 Template is a simple Smooth Personal App Landing Template
OneView | Intel Ignite
OneView, alumni of Intel Ignite's startup accelerator program, are accelerating machine learning training by delivering game-changing virtual synthetic data.
space4environment: Home
The Riverside Company | LinkedIn
The Riverside Company | 26,929 followers on LinkedIn. Designed for Your Growth | The Riverside Company is a global investment firm focused on being one of the leading private capital options for business owners and employees at the smaller end of the middle market by seeking to fuel transformative growth and create lasting value. Please see Riverside’s Social Media Terms of Use at: https://www.riversidecompany.com/social-media-terms-of-use/
Absolut Sensing - Home
We are develops the technologies needed to monitor, understand and anticipate changes in the biosphere, atmosphere and geosphere of Earth ...
Home - Visiona Espacial
A integradora Brasileira de sistemas espaciais Resultante de uma iniciativa única do Governo brasileiro de estimular a criação de uma empresa integradora na indústria espacial, a Visiona é uma joint-venture entre a Embraer Defesa & Segurança e a Telebras. Nossa história Inovação tecnológica aplicada para mudar negócios Conheça nossas principais soluções Imagens como serviço+ Plataforma […]
Specto Natura - Earth Observation Consultancy
Prométhée is a privately-held New-space French company that develops a constellation of 20 Earth Observation Nano-satellites and an image analysis platform intended to provide easily interpretable information.
Founded in May 2004, VisioTerra is oriented towards Science Consulting for Earth Observation. This includes not only expert support, training and communication for EO programs, technical studies, software development of applications using virtual globes, scientific documentation editing, quality control assessment and reporting, instruments and products verification/control, new products and instruments specification and prototyping, audits, but also production of cartographic products to be ingested by GIS.
constellr | Revolutionising Resource Accountability
Smart Farming and Climate Monitoring from Space. At constellr, we are using cutting-edge beyond-visual imaging technology to revolutionise the way we assess crucial aspects of our planet's health.
GAF AG – Innovation based on experience!
Innovation based on experience!
ARGANS | Satellite Remote Sensing and Earth Observation
ARGANS provides satellite-based Earth Observation, remote sensing applications and services, used to map and monitor the marine, atmospheric and terrestrial environment.
PolArctic LLC
Bringing the Arctic into focus. PolArctic LLC
Applied Earth Intelligence Experts | 4 Earth Intelligence
4EI use Applied Earth Intelligence and analytics to deliver evidence-based insight, to benefit people, businesses and the planet.
Home - Environment Systems
Environment Systems is an environmental and agricultural data consultancy. Providers of evidence and insight to governments and industry.
deeeper.technology - Geospatial insight at scale
deeeper.technology delivers area-wide in-depth, intelligent image and data analysis that enables fast and accurate decisions for business and government.
Earth Genome - Data, Science and People for the Planet
At the time of the most intense planetary crisis, we see the greatest developments in data technology. This is not a coincidence but an opportunity that cannot be missed.
Homepage - Latitudo 40
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Sentinel Hub
Sentinel Hub - Cloud API for Satellite Imagery
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Homepage — mundialis
mundialis - Free Data With Free Software. At mundialis we work with free geodata and free software in the remote sensing environment.