Found 34 bookmarks
Hula Earth | Streamlined Biodiversity Monitoring
Hula Earth | Streamlined Biodiversity Monitoring
Hula Earth is a tech start-up revolutionizing biodiversity monitoring by combining satellite data and IoT measurements for precise reporting and verification.
Hula Earth | Streamlined Biodiversity Monitoring
SpatiaFi | Spatial Finance for Economic Resilience
SpatiaFi | Spatial Finance for Economic Resilience
Our planet is changing. Bringing with it new risks and opportunities. SpatiaFi connects economic assets to the world of geospatial data to drive action on climate and sustainability.
SpatiaFi | Spatial Finance for Economic Resilience
Adatos.AI aim to be at the frontier of the digital revolution in agriculture and Nature-Based Solutions. Today, we operate globally from our offices in Singapore and the Netherlands to lead the way for more productivity, sustainable practices and the restoration of our planet’s ecosystems.
CO2-Zertifikate aus Wald in Deutschland | Pina Earth
CO2-Zertifikate aus Wald in Deutschland | Pina Earth
Pina Earth bietet CO2-Zertifikate aus innovativen Klimaschutzprojekten in Deutschland, um Monokulturen zu klimaresilienten Mischwäldern umzubauen.
CO2-Zertifikate aus Wald in Deutschland | Pina Earth
HOME | Everimpact
HOME | Everimpact
We help cities, businesses and industries measure, reduce, and monetise their GHG emissions (CO2 and methane). We measure GHG emissions accurately and in real time with satellite imagery, big data and sensors and certify the data.
HOME | Everimpact
Treefera is transforming the way the world approaches forest data and conservation, to create a clear future for the carbon market and the planet.
Data Analytics for Nature-based Solutions - Environmental monitoring - Digital MRV
Data Analytics for Nature-based Solutions - Environmental monitoring - Digital MRV
Environmental monitoring and compliance to meet the standards of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), make Scope 3 nature and climate-related disclosures in accordance with CSR frameworks, including ESRS, TNFD, and comply with the EU’s regulation for deforestation-free products (EUDR). Leveraging cutting-edge satellite imagery and advanced AI, Kanop delivers a comprehensive solution that provides accurate, scientifically validated, and fully auditable climate and biodiversity data. Our unique approach enables measurement for each specific site or project, thus giving organizations the means to make informed decisions and effectively meet regulatory requirements. Applications of Kanop’s technology include conducting detailed due diligence on nature-based carbon projects and monitoring ongoing initiatives, reporting on land use change (LUC) emissions and verifying adherence to EUDR standards.
Data Analytics for Nature-based Solutions - Environmental monitoring - Digital MRV
Earthshot Labs
Earthshot Labs
Restoring nature at planetary scale.
Earthshot Labs
Albo Climate
Albo Climate
Albo Climate ‎analyzes satellite imagery using deep learning to map, measure and monitor carbon sequestration in nature-based solutions
Albo Climate
GlobalTrust - Satellite Data to Change the World
GlobalTrust - Satellite Data to Change the World
We use the power of satellite technology to help organisations improve their sustainable operations, finance investments and business reports
GlobalTrust - Satellite Data to Change the World
Treeconomy - Green Investment Plarform - 12% Returns - Trees
Treeconomy - Green Investment Plarform - 12% Returns - Trees
Innovative investment platform that helps you get annual returns on investment higher than 12% while positively impacting the world through reforestation.
Treeconomy - Green Investment Plarform - 12% Returns - Trees
Home - Satelligence - Sustainability monitoring simplified
Home - Satelligence - Sustainability monitoring simplified
Facilitate your shift to sustainable sourcing, slash scope 3 emissions, and streamline compliance with EUDR and other deforestation-free commitments with our solution.
Home - Satelligence - Sustainability monitoring simplified
Mantle Labs
Mantle Labs
Mantle Labs utilises remote sensing, environmental science and machine learning to analyse and support forestry and agriculture projects which support climate change mitigation and resilience. Mantle Labs serves leading carbon market clients and has staff which includes leading academics and industry practitioners.
Mantle Labs
Improving the transparency and scientific integrity of climate solutions with open data and tools.
Orbio Earth (YC S23) | LinkedIn
Orbio Earth (YC S23) | LinkedIn
Orbio Earth (YC S23) | 2,182 followers on LinkedIn. Accelerating the low-carbon transition with actionable methane intelligence | Methane emissions from the oil & gas industry is the lowest hanging fruit in climate change mitigation. Orbio tracks global methane emissions from the oil & gas industry with satellite imagery. We sell the data to financial & energy companies that want to reduce methane emission risks in a cost-effective way.
Orbio Earth (YC S23) | LinkedIn
Putting a price on the priceless
Putting a price on the priceless
Quantifying Nature is developing a platform that will enable companies and investors to understand their assets' value at risk from degrading nature. Its CEO Adrien Firmenich and head of biodiversity Minerva Singh explain
Putting a price on the priceless
Homepage - SISTEMA
Homepage - SISTEMA
Planet Earth is our prime focus. We master geospatial data analysis on topics such as atmosphere, biomass and climate like ABC.
Homepage - SISTEMA
Sylvera Carbon Data
Sylvera Carbon Data
Sylvera provides trusted carbon data for genuine climate action. We help organizations and governments get on track to net zero.
Sylvera Carbon Data
Proof – Make more impactful business decisions
Proof – Make more impactful business decisions
Welcome to next-gen impact intelligence. The Proof platform helps businesses outperform the market, their peers, and themselves by unlocking access to ESG + impact tools and recommendations tailored specifically to each organization. Get started for free to begin making more impactful business decisions.
Proof – Make more impactful business decisions
Geofinancial Analytics
Geofinancial Analytics
Independent Direct Satellite Measurement of Company-Level Methane Emission
Geofinancial Analytics
Nature On The Balance Sheet | The Landbanking Group
Nature On The Balance Sheet | The Landbanking Group
Invest in a new asset class for regeneration: Nature Equity. The Landbanking Group provides a market infrastructure to transform nature positive outcomes into tradable assets. Support the preservation and restoration of Nature at scale.
Nature On The Balance Sheet | The Landbanking Group