Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Deepgram - Automated Speech Recognition (ASR)
Deepgram - Automated Speech Recognition (ASR)
Deepgram Automatic Speech Recognition helps you build voice applications with better, faster, more economical transcription at scale.
Deepgram - Automated Speech Recognition (ASR)
Voice AI interfaces for hardware devices, services, vehicles, mobile apps, and more powered by SoundHound's conversational intelligence solutions
Cortana - Your personal productivity assistant
Cortana - Your personal productivity assistant
Cortana helps you achieve more with less effort. Your personal productivity assistant helps you stay on top of what matters, follow through, and do your best work.
Cortana - Your personal productivity assistant
Amazon Transcribe – Speech to Text - AWS
Amazon Transcribe – Speech to Text - AWS
Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech to text capability to their applications
Amazon Transcribe – Speech to Text - AWS
Siri is an easy way to make calls, send texts, use apps, and get things done with just your voice. And Siri is the most private intelligent assistant.
PROPHESEE | Metavision for Machines
PROPHESEE | Metavision for Machines
REVEAL THE INVISIBLE with the world's most advanced neuromorphic vision system, inspired by human vision and built on the foundation of neuromorphic engineering. PROPHESEE gives Metavision to machines, revealing what was previously invisible to them.
PROPHESEE | Metavision for Machines
Clearview AI | Facial Recognition
Clearview AI | Facial Recognition
Clearview AI is a revolutionary, all-in-one, facial recognition platform designed to support federal, state, and local law enforcement in their shared mission to help keep communities safe.
Clearview AI | Facial Recognition
Home - Computer Vision AI, Visual AI, Machine Vision by CHOOCH AI
Home - Computer Vision AI, Visual AI, Machine Vision by CHOOCH AI
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Home - Computer Vision AI, Visual AI, Machine Vision by CHOOCH AI
Amazon Rekognition (AMS SSPS) - AMS Advanced User Guide
Amazon Rekognition (AMS SSPS) - AMS Advanced User Guide
Describes AMS Advanced Multi-Account Landing Zone and Single-Account Landing Zone concepts, functions, and how to use the options. Includes information on access, security, defaults, incidents and service requests, monitoring, logging, backup and patch configuration changes.
Amazon Rekognition (AMS SSPS) - AMS Advanced User Guide
finegrain - The internet deserves better images.
finegrain - The internet deserves better images.
We are building the ultimate platform to automate image optimization, beautification and delivery at scale, thanks to breakthrough AI Skills powered by state-of-the-art machine learning models.
finegrain - The internet deserves better images.
Preemo | Serverless ML Platform
Preemo | Serverless ML Platform
We make it easy for data scientists to deploy models through our serverless ML platform. Don't deal with configuring infrastructure or more data silos.
Preemo | Serverless ML Platform