
Magical FX in Houdini: A Pro VFX Course - Rebelway
Magical FX in Houdini: A Pro VFX Course - Rebelway
Create magic FX simulations in Houdini in this intermediate VFX course from Jayden Paterson. Develop Sci-fi projects, shockwaves, & magic spells in Houdini.
Magical FX in Houdini: A Pro VFX Course - Rebelway
Destruction FX in Houdini | Online VFX Course - Rebelway
Destruction FX in Houdini | Online VFX Course - Rebelway
Create incredible debris and explosion effects in this advanced online Houdini destruction FX course. Learn to craft epic destruction scenes.
Destruction FX in Houdini | Online VFX Course - Rebelway
Advanced Houdini FX Course | Online VFX Course - Rebelway
Advanced Houdini FX Course | Online VFX Course - Rebelway
This advanced online Houdini course offers expert FX training featuring complete VFX project development from dust simulation to compositing in Nuke.
Advanced Houdini FX Course | Online VFX Course - Rebelway
Compositing in Nuke | Pro VFX Compositing Course - Rebelway
Compositing in Nuke | Pro VFX Compositing Course - Rebelway
In this online VFX course you'll learn the essential skills needed to master compositing in Nuke. Create realistic scenes with modern compositing techniques
Compositing in Nuke | Pro VFX Compositing Course - Rebelway