
Smart Mobility
Upgrade Any Camera with Artificial Intelligence to Resolve Mobility Questions | Parquery
Smart parking, traffic flow, visitor footfall, passenger counting - turn any camera into a smart sensor with Parquery.
Parkd: the new, cost-effective way of parking - Parkd
How parking has changed over the years Way back when, with the introduction of the parking meter, we had to manually put our time in and get a receipt. If you didn’t have change on hand, you couldn’t park. It […]
Parkfy – El alquiler del parking en Madrid
ParkMatch : location de parking entre particuliers
ParkMatch : location de parking entre particuliers, sans rencontre entre le propriétaire de la place de parking et le conducteur ni modification de l'existant.
Ector | Valet service at airports and train stations
▶ Ector is a valet parking service at airports and train stations. ✓ Secure parking at the best price. ✓ Save up to 50% on parking. ☆ Rating: 4,6/5
CAMPING-CAR PARK - The 1st European network of stopover sites and services areas
CAMPING-CAR PARK is the 1st European network of stopover sites and services areas for parking motorhomes in complete peace of mind, 24 hours a day.
Home - ASURA Technologies
Le bloc-note de Charles -
Zenpark | Réservation et location parking à l’heure, à la journée ou au mois
Réservez ou louez votre place de parking 🅿 jusqu'à -60% en France et en Belgique. Centres villes, stades, aéroports, gares, … 🚘 Garez-vous sereinement !
vadeCity – Smart Cities. Smart Solutions
Stanley Robotics { digitalisation, automatisation & robotisation }
Stanley Robotics is a DeepTech business helping the transportation and logistics industries digitalise and robotise outdoor operations.
Traffic Surveys and Data Collection made easy through the use of innovative software services.
Parken macht Spaß
Nie wieder Parkplatzsuche dank ampido, der Parkplatz App ✔ Stellplatz teilen und Geld verdienen ✔ Parkplatz bequem bis zu 30 Tage im Voraus reservieren ✔
Ubiq | Making Sustainable Mobility Profitable
1MRobotics - The hyperlocal nano fulfillment center of the future
1MRobotics develops robotic hyperlocal nano-fulfillment centers, automated facilities designed for rapid delivery, enabling quick expansion & optimal unit economics
Jiga | Source Parts, Hassle Fre
Jiga makes it fast, easy, and collaborative to source parts directly from ideal suppliers. CNC Machining, Sheet Metal, AM, PCBs and more.
Most of the robots today are blind
Bringoz - Complex Logistics Made Simple - Delivery Management Platform
Bringoz is a SaaS-based delivery logistics platform that provides shippers and carriers with end-to-end, scalable delivery infrastructure.
Deeyook | RTLS solutions
Deeyook’s precise location-as-a-service allows you to maintain a continuous, unbroken chain of custody of all assets. This self-learning, low-power firmware solution will give you the exact location of any item, whether indoors or outdoors, in an open space or dense environment.
Workflow App | Israel | Briefery - Your Perfect Employee
Briefery learns your organization, identifies bottlenecks, speeds up activities and improves your business
Home | Docktech 2.0
Nemodata - Fleet maintenance and predictive AI insights for fleet health
Nemodata offers predictive AI insights for fleet maintenance and health
Portable Digital Radiography Systems Leader - Vidisco
Discover with Confidence. Smart Portable X-Ray Solutions. A large variety of Security & NDT solutions for almost any application.
Getruck - Let Technology Manage Your Supply Chain
With Getruck you can automate manual processes, lower shipping costs and improve your supply chain efficiency using the power of AI & data. It's quick to implement and easy to use.
Additive Manufacturing Software | CASTOR
CASTOR is a decision support software that automates the process of identifying parts for additive manufacturing.
OptiWays – Cost-Driven Transport Optimization
Spinframe - Cloud-Base Technology Services For The Automotive Industry
Spinframe developing cloud-base technologies for the automotive industry and provides an interactive visual user experience that increases the engagement & conversion.
Smart containers IoT infrastructure for shipping companies
Loginno converts shipping container fleets into IoT smart containers, transmitting crucial real-time data as an industry standard for shipping companies.