"This person sounds like an energy vampire. I don't disagree with some of the points, but the way they're conveyed and the writing style make it hard to empathize with them."
I read all mail without exception, and love getting it, but can no longer reply to everything. You can reach me at:
I will prioritize responding, in order, if:
liYou live in Melbourne and want coffee. I have accepted 100% of these requests so far./li
liYou want to invite me onto a podcast or something because the flames of my ego are a roaring inferno that needs constant feeding, to the dismay of all those around me./li
liYou want to be connected to another reader in your local area./li
liYou're an engineer that shares my values that needs some help, particularly students and members of marginalized communities./li
My podcast, "Does A Frog Have Scorpion Nature" which is just me chatting with readers and friends. Available on all major platforms.
Mastodon because it's so much nicer than Twitter.
Liberapay | Patreon to support me writing taking time off to write amidst the difficulty of launching a business.
If you're working at a startup that is needs to conform to the analytics requirements of an enterprise sale, you can hire me and my team at Hermit Tech. We'll give you good advice, never lie, write quality code, and refuse to use the phrase "AI" on pain of me being personally branded a hypocrite-incompetent on the internet forever.
Hello 👋 My name is Stefan [stefn], and this site hosts my side projects, some of which have been covered by various news sites and blogs, and my personal blog. If you find any of my work useful, here’s how you can pay me back. Need to get in touch? See the contact page. Stefan...
Rich Fowler is a contemporary linocut artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Shop for original block prints and learn the art of linocut. Including linocut techniques, reviews of lino printing supplies, and online linoleum block printing classes. And, a brief history of linocut and its famous a
This blog has nothing to do with gorillas (though I love 'em)...fellow bloggers have inspired me to share vintage images of Disneyland from my personal collection. But don't be surprised if you see something from a World's Fair, Knott's Berry Farm, or someplace else that is cool!
25 Blogs Guaranteed to Make You Smarter – @culturaloffering on Tumblr
Stop learning and you stop living. This blog was created nearly 25 years ago as a learning process - a sort of electronic filing cabinet for ideas that I had and got from other people. Cultural Off…
Ursula Wall is an educator, writer, photographer, and keen explorer. Currently based in Australia after many years in Bangkok, she takes her camera with her wherever her travels take her. Since July 2010, she has been blogging faithfully, once a week, about her journeys, sharing her passion for cultural and travel photography.