Join Physics Forums, where students, scientists, and enthusiasts come together to explore and discuss the current understanding and practice of various scientific fields.
Sports SportsHoopla is a free sports community. Come chat with other college and pro sports fans online while watching the football, baseball, basketball or hockey game at home! We're waiting on you now...
A forum community dedicated to professional woodworkers and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about shop safety, wood, carpentry, lumber, finishing, tools, machinery, woodworking related topics, styles, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
Rivianforums is your top source for Rivian news, price, specs, review, classifieds, photos/videos and discussions. Come join other enthusiasts & owners!
The mission of Bushcraft USA is to provide a North American focused forum for bushcraft and related activities. There are differences between the North American continent and the rest of the world, both geographically and culturally. We intend to explore the differences and similarities between...