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Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds
Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds
Take control of your content consumption with RSS and Atom feeds. Escape algorithmic black boxes, gain more control over what and how you consume in order to be more intentional with your media consumption.
Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds
In praise of short blog posts
In praise of short blog posts
The 150-400 word blog post is a powerful form, if done well.
In praise of short blog posts
Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now - Alexey Guzey
Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now - Alexey Guzey
Reddit discussion with 100 comments here. Summary: in this post I explain why you should start a blog (to help others and to help yourself), what to write about, and how to start it. I hope to persuade you that you should start a blog even if you feel that you have nothing to say and even if almost nobody will read it. What to write about I looked over all of my writing and determined that it all originated from one of the following: I repeatedly gave the same advice to my friends Why You …
Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now - Alexey Guzey
Content Creation
Content Creation
As a creator, you should call yourself what you are. Content is a trivialising and demeaning term for your work.
Content Creation
Get off Twitter if you want to see your friends’ posts —Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel “Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he’s shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed.”
Get off Twitter if you want to see your friends’ posts —Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel “Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he’s shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed.”
Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he's shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed. The diagram below shows the 90% in grey, withthe people he follows in orange, strangers are in blue, and ads ar
Get off Twitter if you want to see your friends’ posts —Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel “Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he’s shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed.”
Interesting comments
Interesting comments
Comments about boondocking in the Arctic Fox
Interesting comments
🔎 Alternative search engines
🔎 Alternative search engines
It's not just Google. The world of search engines is not motionless as you could imagine at first sight. In recent years, several search...
🔎 Alternative search engines
The Ridiculous Power of Blog Commenting
The Ridiculous Power of Blog Commenting
Blog commenting is the not-so-secret weapon to building your brand and authority, letting you cut through the clutter and tap into the attention of creators.
The Ridiculous Power of Blog Commenting
The Bones of the Blogosphere
The Bones of the Blogosphere
What’s the right way for a blog—or a newsletter—to die?
The Bones of the Blogosphere
My complete blogging workflow
My complete blogging workflow
Here is my complete blogging workflow from how I manage ideas all the way to publishing and sharing.
My complete blogging workflow
"Draft" Category Blog Posts - Sal Ferrarello
"Draft" Category Blog Posts - Sal Ferrarello
Recently, I was commenting to my wife that I find myself often going to my Draft posts for notes I’ve taken on completing some task. I complained that these posts were not ready to be published as they had not met my high standard of quality (i.e. I hadn’t removed the most obvious typos and […]
"Draft" Category Blog Posts - Sal Ferrarello
The Death Of The Blog Post — Smashing Magazine
The Death Of The Blog Post — Smashing Magazine
Let’s face it: the classic blog post is boring. Barring the text and images, each one generally has the exact same layout. We see little originality from one post to the next. Of course, consistency and branding are extremely important to consider when designing a website or blog, but what about individuality? Does a blog post about kittens deserve the same layout as one about CSS hacks?
The Death Of The Blog Post — Smashing Magazine
Mini Blogging Masterclass
Mini Blogging Masterclass
A very mini list of things that I usually think of while I'm writing about life and tech, that have helped me to blog better! - My number one tip is that a bl…
Mini Blogging Masterclass
How to Start a Photo Blog: A Quick Guide for Beginners
How to Start a Photo Blog: A Quick Guide for Beginners
Whether it’s professional photography or just a hobby, the .blog extension is perfect for anyone looking to start a new photo blog and take full ownership of a little piece of the internet.
How to Start a Photo Blog: A Quick Guide for Beginners
Quitting Instagram and Facebook: The Perspective of 8 Artists
Quitting Instagram and Facebook: The Perspective of 8 Artists
This video includes insights from Anne Butera of My Giant Strawberry, Jen McCleary, Kristen Sampson, Julia Bausenhardt, Nicole Cicak, Kelsey Rodriguez, and Sneha of Essem Creatives as well as Gwenn Seemel.
Quitting Instagram and Facebook: The Perspective of 8 Artists
Trying The Old Reader
Trying The Old Reader
The experience is so nostalgic, it made me smile.
Trying The Old Reader
Firefox is the Only Alternative
Firefox is the Only Alternative
Supposedly today we have a lot of browsers to choose from - Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi, etc. Having choices is a good thing, right? Nobody wants to relive the time of almost complete Internet Explorer domination again. Unfortunately our choices are significantly fewer than they seem to be at first glance, as Chrome and Safari (thanks to the iPhone) totally dominate the browser landscape in terms of usage and almost all browsers these days are built on top of Chromium, Google’s open-source browser project. Funny enough even Edge is built on top of Chromium today, despite the bitter rivalry between Google and Microsoft. What’s also funny is that Chrome and Safari control about 85% of the browser market share today, and Microsoft’s Edge commands only about 4%:
Firefox is the Only Alternative