Run a quick search on a single selection, and have the selection replaced with the resulting url (and optional title) as a Markdown inline link, a Markdown reference, or just a plain url. Run a
Read2Text is now Gather, your new Markdownifier -
As promised, I’ve updated Read2Text as a standalone binary using the Swift versions of Readability and HTML2Text. In the process I made it a whole new tool called Gather . You may recall that name
In November 2019, some one thousand young pro-democracy protesters occupied the campus of Hong Kong’s Polytechnic University, which is located at a crucial junction of two highways and the cross-harbor tunnel. They disrupted traffic for more than a week, trying to pressure the government to investigate police misconduct during large-scale protests earlier in the year. On November 17, they repulsed police efforts to storm the campus. The police threatened to use live ammunition but decided to starve them out instead.What happened on the following morning was a remarkable show of civic courage.