LongCovid [+ CFS/ME]

Tired of Cancer? Long COVID Might Be Worse
Tired of Cancer? Long COVID Might Be Worse
Long COVID Fatigue and Quality of Life Decline Worse Than Certain Cancers A new study reveals that long COVID's primary symptom, fatigue, has a debilitating impact on patients' lives, comparable to severe kidney disease and advanced cancers, with potential social and economic implications. This und
Tired of Cancer? Long COVID Might Be Worse
Mild SARS-CoV-2 infection results in long-lasting microbiota instability | mBio
Mild SARS-CoV-2 infection results in long-lasting microbiota instability | mBio
Taken together, our results demonstrate that even mild cases of SARS-CoV-2 can disrupt gut microbial ecology. Our findings in non-hospitalized individuals are consistent with studies of hospitalized patients, in that reproducible shifts in gut microbial ...
Mild SARS-CoV-2 infection results in long-lasting microbiota instability | mBio
titel van uitspraak - Stichting Reclame Code
titel van uitspraak - Stichting Reclame Code
In het Verenigd Koninkrijk was CGT met GET voorheen de standaard, maar in de richtlijn uit 2021 is GET verdwenen en wordt CGT voor ME/CVS afgewezen. In die richtlijn staat dat inspanningstherapieën schadelijk zijn voor ME/CVS patiënten en wordt CGT alleen nog genoemd in de onschadelijke variant: gericht op acceptatie en het leren leven met de ziekte.
titel van uitspraak - Stichting Reclame Code
The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: Critique of a flawed model
The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: Critique of a flawed model
Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis is a debilitating illness that greatly impacts the lives of sufferers. A cognitive behavioural model attempts to explain illness onset and continuance with a hypothesis that the illness is perpetuated ...
The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: Critique of a flawed model
A review on cognitive behavorial therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) in myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) / chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): CBT/GET is not only ineffective and not evidence-based, but also potentially harmful for many patients with ME/CFS - PubMed
A review on cognitive behavorial therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) in myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) / chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): CBT/GET is not only ineffective and not evidence-based, but also potentially harmful for many patients with ME/CFS - PubMed
Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disease which, despite numerous biological abnormalities has remained highly controversial. Notwithstanding the medical pathogenesis of ME/CFS, the (bio)psychosocial model is adopted by many governmental organiz …
A review on cognitive behavorial therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) in myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) / chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): CBT/GET is not only ineffective and not evidence-based, but also potentially harmful for many patients with ME/CFS - PubMed
For some long COVID patients, exercise is bad medicine
For some long COVID patients, exercise is bad medicine
They used to run marathons. Now, taking a shower is exhausting. But for these patients—who have one of the most debilitating symptoms of long COVID—hope may be on the horizon.
Defined as the significant worsening of symptoms or the development of new ones following even minor physical, mental, or emotional exertion, a PEM “crash” can take days, weeks, or months to recover from, and some people claim they never do.
“People come in and tell me, I used to work out. I used to run. I used to love my job as the vice president of my company. And now I can’t do any of that,” says Mark VanNess, a researcher with the Workwell Foundation, which studies PEM in long COVID and other related chronic illnesses. “These are not people that want to stay home and collect disability. They’re forced to.”
In one study, about 75 percent of the almost 500 long COVID patients surveyed said physical activity made their symptoms worse, while less than one percent saw improvement
both the U.S. and U.K. governments removed graded exercise from ME/CFS official treatment guidelines
“Repeated crashes of PEM are like an injury,” Yellman says. “If you stub your toe really hard on the door, you need to let it heal before you put your shoe back on. If you stub it every day, there’s going to be scarring and the toenail isn’t going to grow back.”
The answer, according to physicians familiar with PEM, is pacing—managing daily activities through periods of exertion and rest. It’s critical, Yellman says, to break what he calls “the push-crash cycle,” by learning to recognize energy limits and resting accordingly, which for some people can take months or even years.
For some long COVID patients, exercise is bad medicine
Why long COVID could be a ticking time bomb for public health
Why long COVID could be a ticking time bomb for public health
Long COVID isn't novel: other viruses in history have had similar “long” arcs — with devastating repercussions
This lack of scientific understanding creates an untold degree of hardship for those dealing with severe and chronic sequelae of infections. Worse, when doctors cannot find a biological explanation for reported symptoms, patients are often left with little recourse and the feeling that their doctor believes the cause of their suffering is rooted in mental illness.
Multinational surveys have been conducted, with thousands upon thousands of adult participants reporting that recovery from an initial COVID infection took more than 35 weeks. Some of these studies highlight the fact that new ailments are reported 6-12 months after an initial COVID infection, which most commonly include fatigue, post-exertional malaise, and cognitive dysfunction.
the threat of long COVID could lead to a future public health catastrophe, much as the "long" effects of the Spanish Flu did a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical and medical community are not approaching long COVID with the same fervor that they had for COVID-19. As a result, there is a real danger that a broad-scale investigation into the origin of long COVID is postponed or neglected by funding agencies and the medical establishment.
Why long COVID could be a ticking time bomb for public health
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis and Management
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis and Management
Despite myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) affecting millions of people worldwide, many clinicians lack the knowledge to appropriately diagnose or manage ME/CFS. Unfortunately, clinical guidance has been scarce, obsolete, or potentially harmful. Consequently, up to 91% of patients in the United States remain undiagnosed, and those diagnosed often receive inappropriate treatment. These problems are of increasing importance because after acute COVID-19, a significant percentage of people remain ill for many months with an illness similar to ME/CFS.
Outdated Standard of CareIn the past, CBT and GET were studied and recommended for ME/CFS on the basis of the disease theory that “the symptoms and disability of CFS/ME are perpetuated predominantly by unhelpful illness beliefs (fears) and coping behaviors (avoidance [of activity]),” leading to considerable deconditioning.53Burgess M. Chalder T. PACE manual for therapists. Cognitive behaviour therapy for CFS/ME. MREC version 2.1. PACE Trial Management Group. December 8, 2004.https://www.qmul.ac.uk/wolfson/media/wolfson/current-projects/3.cbt-therapist-manual.pdfDate accessed: May 20, 2021Google Scholar,108Geraghty K. Jason L. Sunnquist M. Tuller D. Blease C. Adeniji C. The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: critique of a flawed model.Health Psychol Open. 2019; 6 (205510291983890)Crossref Scopus (20) Google Scholar However, GET and CBT studies have been widely criticized for their methodology, inadequate tracking of harms, and a disease theory that conflicts with the evidence of multisystem biologic impairment.4Geraghty K. Hann M. Kurtev S. Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients’ reports of symptom changes following cognitive behavioural therapy, graded exercise therapy and pacing treatments: analysis of a primary survey compared with secondary surveys.J Health Psychol. 2019; 24: 1318-1333Crossref PubMed Scopus (25) Google Scholar,108Geraghty K. Jason L. Sunnquist M. Tuller D. Blease C. Adeniji C. The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: critique of a flawed model.Health Psychol Open. 2019; 6 (205510291983890)Crossref Scopus (20) Google Scholar,  109Jason L.A. Brown M. Brown A. et al.Energy conservation/envelope theory interventions.Fatigue. 2013; 1: 27-42PubMed Google Scholar,  110
Finally, contradicting safety claims, 54% to 74% of patients have reported experiencing harms after GET.4
Because of these concerns, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and health agencies in some countries have since removed recommendations for CBT and GET.115US Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTreatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). November 19, 2019.https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/treatment/index.htmlDate accessed: December 26, 2020Google Scholar Other nations are in the process of updating their guidance, with one stating that GET should not be offered as a treatment.116
Teach PacingPacing is an individualized approach to energy conservation and management used to minimize the frequency, duration, and severity of PEM. Because PEM is associated with poor energy production and can be instigated by a variety of stimuli (eg, physical/cognitive exertion; emotional, orthostatic, and sensory stressors),1US Institute of MedicineBeyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2015.https://doi.org/10.17226/19012Google Scholar,33US Food and Drug AdministrationThe voice of the patient. A series of reports from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) patient-focused drug development initiative. September 2013.https://www.fda.gov/downloads/forindustry/userfees/prescriptiondruguserfee/ucm368806.pdfDate accessed: December 26, 2020Google Scholar patients must carefully plan where and how to spend their limited energy. Typically, patients must decrease the total amount of their activities and restrict their exposures to PEM-inducing stimuli as much as possible. Reducing PEM can help alleviate fatigue, cognitive defects, sleep disturbances, pain, and other symptoms while helping to avoid repeated post-exertional relapses that can have a long-term impact.120Pheby D. Saffron L. Risk factors for severe ME/CFS.Biology and Medicine. 2009; 1: 50-74Google Scholar,121
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis and Management
Binita Kane on Twitter
Binita Kane on Twitter
Two themes I’m finding in people with #LongCovid; increasing triglyceride/HDL levels and fatty liver in people who eat very limited diets and are not overweight.Often mildly abnormal LFTs trigger the abdo ultrasound that picks up liver changes.Any explanation?— Binita Kane (@BinitaKane) March 31, 2023
Binita Kane on Twitter
Studies find that microbiome changes may be a signature for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Studies find that microbiome changes may be a signature for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Researchers have found differences in the gut microbiomes of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) compared to healthy controls. Findings from two studies, published in Cell Host & Microbe add to growing evidence that connects disruptions in the gut microbiome, the complete collection of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in our gastrointestinal system, to ME/CFS.
Studies find that microbiome changes may be a signature for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
We can learn a lot about long COVID from years of diagnosing and treating chronic fatigue syndrome
We can learn a lot about long COVID from years of diagnosing and treating chronic fatigue syndrome
Diagnosing and treating long COVID is difficult. But given the similarities to chronic fatigue, there are things we can learn from existing research.
These may include activity-pacing, sleep hygiene, pain medication, and increasing fluid and salt intake, which can help manage rapid increases in heart rate experienced by some patients when they get up from sitting or lying down.
We can learn a lot about long COVID from years of diagnosing and treating chronic fatigue syndrome
Studies find that microbiome changes may be a signature for ME/CFS
Studies find that microbiome changes may be a signature for ME/CFS
NIH-funded studies link altered gut microbes to debilitating chronic disease.
While species of butyrate-producing bacteria decreased, there were increased levels of nine other species in ME/CFS, including Enterocloster bolteae and Ruminococcus gnavus, which are associated with autoimmune diseases and inflammatory bowel disease, respectively.
Studies find that microbiome changes may be a signature for ME/CFS
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis and Management - PubMed
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis and Management - PubMed
Despite myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) affecting millions of people worldwide, many clinicians lack the knowledge to appropriately diagnose or manage ME/CFS. Unfortunately, clinical guidance has been scarce, obsolete, or potentially harmful. Consequently, up to 91% of pa …
Furthermore, the United States and other governments as well as major health care organizations have recently withdrawn graded exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy as the treatment of choice for patients with ME/CFS. Recently, 21 clinicians specializing in ME/CFS convened to discuss best clinical practices for adults affected by ME/CFS.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis and Management - PubMed
Treatments Explored to Ease ME/CFS and Long COVID Symptoms
Treatments Explored to Ease ME/CFS and Long COVID Symptoms
Most are already commercially available for other indications.
A current mainstay of treatment for ME/CFS — including that triggered by COVID-19 — is activity pacing, in which patients learn to stay within their “energy envelopes” in order to avoid post-exertional malaise, a worsening of all symptoms with exertion. The use of “graded exercise” is no longer recommended, per UK and US guidelines.
Treatments Explored to Ease ME/CFS and Long COVID Symptoms
Treatment of ME/CFS in Children | Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) | CDC
Treatment of ME/CFS in Children | Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) | CDC
Learn how ME/CFS affects kids.
PEM can be addressed by activity management, also called pacing. The goal of pacing is for children with ME/CFS to learn to balance rest and activity to avoid PEM flare-ups caused by exertion that they cannot tolerate. To do this, patients need to find their individual limits for mental and physical activity. Then they need to plan activity and rest to stay within these limits. Some patients and doctors refer to staying within these limits as staying within the “energy envelope.” The limits may be different for each patient. Keeping activity and symptom diaries may help patients find their personal limits, especially early on in the illness. Patients with ME/CFS need to avoid ‘push-and-crash’ cycles through carefully managing activity. “Push-and-crash” cycles are when someone with ME/CFS is having a good day and tries to push to do more than they would normally attempt (do too much, crash, rest, start to feel a little better, do too much once again). This can then lead to a “crash” (worsening of ME/CFS symptoms).
exercise is not a cure for ME/CFS.
Treatment of ME/CFS in Children | Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) | CDC