Protecting yourself from COVID-19 these days is hard. And it comes at a cost.COVID#COVID#SolutionsNeeded#Disability#Denialism#Accommadation#AirQuality#AirPurifier#Effectiveness#HarmReduction#Health#PublicHealth#Vaccination··Mar 24, 2024Protecting yourself from COVID-19 these days is hard. And it comes at a cost.
New UW study examines COVID-19 vaccines in people with weakened immune systemsCOVID#Novavax#COVID#COVIDVariant#Effectiveness#Health#Immunocompromised··Nov 19, 2023New UW study examines COVID-19 vaccines in people with weakened immune systems
Do masks work? Randomized controlled trials are the worst way to answer the questionCOVID#COVID#Masking#Masks#Trials#Effectiveness··Aug 29, 2023Do masks work? Randomized controlled trials are the worst way to answer the question