Stanford Medicine scientists pinpoint COVID-19 virus’s entry and exit ports inside our nosesCOVID#COVID#Nasal#Nose··Aug 29, 2023Stanford Medicine scientists pinpoint COVID-19 virus’s entry and exit ports inside our noses
Washington University researchers develop air monitor that detects COVID-19 virusCOVID#COVID#US#AirMonitor#AirQuality··Aug 29, 2023Washington University researchers develop air monitor that detects COVID-19 virus
Long Covid can impair quality of life more than advanced cancers, study saysCOVID#COVID#Cancer#LongCOVID#Symptoms··Aug 29, 2023Long Covid can impair quality of life more than advanced cancers, study says
New COVID-19 Variants Giving ‘Arcturus’ a Run for its MoneyCOVID#COVID#COVIDVariant#Arcturus··Aug 29, 2023New COVID-19 Variants Giving ‘Arcturus’ a Run for its Money
Tooth loss, other dental issues reported in COVID-19 patientsCOVID#TeethLoss#COVID#Dental#Health#Patients··Aug 29, 2023Tooth loss, other dental issues reported in COVID-19 patients
COVID-19 Is Airborne. So Why Doesn’t Hawaii Have Pandemic Air Quality Standards?COVID#COVID#AirTransmission#Hawai'i#AirQuality#CleanAir#PublicHealth··Aug 29, 2023COVID-19 Is Airborne. So Why Doesn’t Hawaii Have Pandemic Air Quality Standards?
Corsi-Rosenthal Box DIY Purifier: 4 Things to KnowCOVID#AirPurifier#DIY#CorsiRosenthalBox#COVID#CleanAir··Aug 29, 2023Corsi-Rosenthal Box DIY Purifier: 4 Things to Know
New long-term modelling shows effectiveness of consistent mask-useCOVID#COVID#Australia#Masking#Masks··Aug 29, 2023New long-term modelling shows effectiveness of consistent mask-use
Even mild Covid is linked to brain damage months after illness, scans showCOVID#COVID#BrainDamage#Brain#UK#US··Aug 29, 2023Even mild Covid is linked to brain damage months after illness, scans show
Covid disease damage leading to 'completely new category' of organ transplantsCOVID#OrganTransplant#OrganDamage#Hospitalization#COVID#Patients··Aug 29, 2023Covid disease damage leading to 'completely new category' of organ transplants
Nearly half of COVID patients still have symptoms after 4 months, new study findsCOVID#COVID#Symptoms#Patients#LongCOVID··Aug 29, 2023Nearly half of COVID patients still have symptoms after 4 months, new study finds
US sees surge in children under five hospitalized for respiratory virusesCOVID#RSV#COVID#US#Hospitalization#Children··Aug 29, 2023US sees surge in children under five hospitalized for respiratory viruses
Three Years Later, Covid-19 Is Still a Health Threat. Journalism Needs to Reflect That | Nieman ReportsCOVID#Misinformation#COVID#NewsMedia#Journalism#ThreeYearsLater··Aug 29, 2023Three Years Later, Covid-19 Is Still a Health Threat. Journalism Needs to Reflect That | Nieman Reports
Airborne transmission of respiratory virusesCOVID#AirborneTransmission#Masks#COVID#N95#Indoorsetting··Aug 29, 2023Airborne transmission of respiratory viruses