Perfect Police State: Undercover Odyssey into China's Terrifying Surveillance Dystopia of the Future
Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship
IOTA's Tangle - Simply Explained
Digtial Food
Was und wozu 5g Technologie?
Videotipp: Welcome to Sodom
Videotipp: Doku Ghana Elektroschrott Halden
Deep Fakes
How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day
Social Credit System - in China
Facebook's role in Brexit
NFT: Scam oder neue Kunstform. Aber wie NFTs sichern?
Helping Students Identify Fake News with the Five C's of Critical Consuming
Fiction: Slaughterbots
Warum personalisierte Werbung verboten werden muss
Gutes tun mit Cryptos: Tangle Sheep
Future(Present?) bio-nanotechnology will use computer chips inside living cells
Digital Twins of Cities (Unreal Enginge)
Chinas Sozialkreditsystem: Das gefährlichste Bonitätssystem der Welt
Marietta Auer: Wie viel Freiheit die Digitalisierung uns lässt
World Economic Forum pushes digital ID system that will determine access to services
Digital Control and the Social Megamachine - How far along are we in Europe already? (CC-EN)
The Web3 Business Use Case Reference List
Digitale Satire
Alle (bekannten) satelliten orbits
Artificial Leadership: Digital Transformation as a Leadership Task between the Chief Digital Officer and Artificial Intelligence