Quantum Effects in Microtubules: Superradiance and the Sensory Motor Response
Ijms 25 02399
Nanoelektronik lernt wie das Gehirn: Forscher*innen der TU Dresden und des HZDR entwickeln ersten Neurotransistor - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, HZDR
Studie zu Deepfakes: So könnt ihr KI-Bilder leichter von echten Fotos unterscheiden
A deep dive into deepfakes that demean, defraud and disinform - Ofcom
Machine Consciousness | Joscha Bach
Computer Scientists Don't Understand This! | Conscious AI lecture, Bernardo Kastrup
Die Deepfakes dieses Startups erreichen ein völlig neues Level: Sie tanzen, gestikulieren und zeigen Gefühle
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Cortical Labs 2024 MARS
Datenschutzkonformes Interface HAWKI wird mit Open-Source-Sprachmodellen verbunden
View of How Can GenAI Foster Well-being in Self-regulated Learning?
Studie zu den USA: Ältere Frauen verbreiten besonders viel Desinformation | heise online
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Neuromorphic Hardware Guide
Remaker - AI Creative Content Generator
Mapping the Mind of a Large Language Model \ Anthropic
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What's the Magic Word? A Control Theory of LLM Prompting
Internalization and Viability Studies of Suspended Nanowire Silicon Chips in HeLa Cells
The Platonic Representation Hypothesis
ChatGPT: Hacking Memories with Prompt Injection
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Vercel AI SDK
The carbon emissions of writing and illustrating are lower for AI than for humans - Scientific Reports
AI model GPT-3 (dis)informs us better than humans