Künstliche Intelligenz im Einsatz gegen Fake News | KI.NRW
Brandolini's law - Wikipedia
Quest for AI literacy - Nature Methods
Deepfakes, Elections, and Shrinking the Liar’s Dividend | Brennan Center for Justice
Studie zu Deepfakes: So könnt ihr KI-Bilder leichter von echten Fotos unterscheiden
A deep dive into deepfakes that demean, defraud and disinform - Ofcom
Free AI Video Generator - Create a free AI video now
AI Detector, AI Checker, & AI Humanizer | Undetectable AI
Startseite - GADMO
NewsGPT.ai - The Unhuman Truth: Your 24/7 Source for AI News
The Handbook of AI’s Unintended Consequences
Helping Students Identify Fake News with the Five C's of Critical Consuming
re:publica 2022: Frederike Kaltheuner: Fake AI