Could a Large Language Model Be Conscious? - Boston Review
Entrepreneurship Lab – A Conversation with Professor Geoff Hinton - YouTube
AI could give us digital immortality but we probably don't want it | Engadget
From Artificial Intelligence to Superintelligence: Nick Bostrom on AI & The Future of Humanity
Das Gehirn der Zukunft: Künstliche Intelligenz und Neurorobotik
Helping Students Identify Fake News with the Five C's of Critical Consuming
Digital Human Servants #metaverse
Videotipp: I am Mother
Richard David Precht - Vorlesung zur Erkenntnistheorie (2011) - Leuphana Universität
Marietta Auer: Wie viel Freiheit die Digitalisierung uns lässt
LaMDA and the Sentient AI Trap
The Rising World Of Building AI Human Clones | Artificial Intelligence | Spark
Argument gegen Identity Theory: Intelligenz braucht kein anthropomorphes Gehirn. Siehe Octopus
The Question Concerning Technology (& Social Media) - Heidegger
Kate Darling | The New Breed: What Our Animal History Reveals For Our Robotic Future